The C.G. Jung Foundation Continuing Education courses are five-week courses designed to be informative and stimulating both to the general public and to professionals. Our program offers you the opportunity to study and explore analytical psychology, the works of C.G. Jung, and fields of related interest.

These courses will be offered through the online program Zoom. After you enroll in a course and before the first class session, you will be emailed instructions and a Zoom invitation. Please be sure to download the Zoom program on your device before the first class session at It is a free program. Also please send us your email address and daytime telephone number. These programs will not be recorded.

Note: 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists for the Jungian Dream Interpretation course and the Jung the Artist in Search of the Mysterium Coniunctionis course.

The C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, Inc. is recognized by New York State Education Department’s State Board of Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0350, and by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychoanalysts, #P-0015, and licensed creative arts therapists, #CAT-0068.

For licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts or Creative Arts Therapists applying for CE credit to receive accreditation, students must attend all sessions. Please be sure to send us your NYS profession and license number.

Spring I: Classes begin the week of February 24, 2025, on Zoom


A Jungian Approach to Solving the Real Problems in Life:
How the Self is Our Best Friend and Our Worst Enemy

5 consecutive Mondays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm Eastern Time, USA, online only via Zoom.
Beginning February 24, 2025
Distinguished Senior Instructor: David Rottman, MA

This course is not offered for NYS CE contact hours.

On occasion, most of us have gotten a glimpse, however brief, of a hidden hand directing the nature of our relationships and even the events of our lives. That is what Jung called the Self, the central organizing principle of our total psyche, and of our very being.
He had much to say about the operating principles of the Self, and how we are called upon to relate well to how the Self appears in our lives.



Jung the Artist in Search of the Mysterium Coniunctionis:
Individuation, A New Myth

5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Eastern Time, USA via Zoom.
Beginning February 26, 2025
Instructor: Maria Taveras, LCSW

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

This course will introduce a comparison and elaboration of C.G. Jung as Artist of the Red Book and Jung’s Analytical Psychology in relation to but not limited to 20th Century artists and their work in search of the spiritual, or the Mysterium Coniunctionis, summarily as Jung did.
A mysterious, unfathomable medium is where the creative process occurs in the Mysterium Coniunctionis, in the unconscious where the emergence of consciousness evolves over time.


Spring II: Class begins April 9, 2025, on Zoom

SPRING IJungian Dream Interpretation

5 consecutive Thursdays, 6:00-7:30 pm Eastern Time, USA, online only via Zoom.
Beginning February 27, 2025

Instructor: Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

A dream uses an imagistic language we can decipher. This language is universal, the same as used in myths from stone-age cultures. A dream shows us the next possible step in our developing personality. It warns us if we are going astray, encourages us if we need it, or offers penetrating insights into our confusion. We work together as a team and have fun. We confirm or disconfirm each interpretation with experimental evidence.


SPRING IIAnimals and Birds:
Their Archetypal Symbolism and Transformational Presence

5 consecutive Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm, Eastern Time, USA via Zoom
Beginning April 9, 2025
Instructor: Mary Apikos

This course is not offered for NYS CE contact hours.

“Of all the images that make our world, animal images are particularly buried inside us. We feel the pull of them before we know to name them, or how to even fully see them. It is as if they are always waiting, crude sketches of themselves, in the recesses of our bodies.” -Elena Passarello

“From the fact that the Self appears in animal form in the dreams and visions of medicine men and creative individuals, it is clear that it is first perceived as a purely instinctive unconscious force, greater and more powerful than the ego but entirely unconscious." —Marie-Louise von Franz, Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales



Mary Apikos taught at Parsons School of Design NYC for 17 years. She taught inter-disciplinary courses about aspects of design culture that fell through the cracks to people who fell through the cracks. She is ABD in Cultural Anthropology from CUNY Graduate Center and has worked as an ethnographic textile conservator at the Museum of the American Indian, George Heye Foundation NYC and in private practice where she specialized in the care of sacred materials. In 2022 Mary completed a one-year remote applied arts program at the Centre for Applied Jungian Studies in South Africa and is on staff at The London Arts Based Research Centre. She is a working artist and currently resides in Chicago. Her work can be seen on her website

Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years. He has published numerous papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a distinguished senior member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. He has a private practice in New York City.

Maria Taveras, LCSW, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. She is also an award-winning creator of Dream Art. She creates art from images in her own dreams and is the recipient of two Gradiva Awards from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for her Dream Art. Her Dream Art has been exhibited in New York, San Francisco, Berkeley, London, Montreal, and Cape Town.


These are online courses, given through the program Zoom. Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration. Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

PAY ONLINE: YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD.

All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.
Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Web address:
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