Quadrant: The Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation
Archetypes Surrounding Death — Marie-Louise von Franz
When Professor Jung was eighty years old, one of his former patients, a woman of seventy, came to him in order to ask him what his ideas about death and a possible afterlife were. He answered: “It won’t help you, on your death bed, to think about what I believed; you must form your own ideas and conceptions of death.” He obviously meant that she should be preoccupied by the problem of death and then watch what the dreams would tell her. She told me this and it stuck in my mind. I have therefore puzzled for many years now about this question myself. Since I am sixty-three, I have had quite a few death dreams and also have had to go through the hard task of accompanying some contemporary friends and analysands towards death. It is about these experiences and what I think they told me that I will write. …
Psychotherapy and Alchemy IV. Coagulatio— Edward F. Edinger
…In essence, coagulatio is the process which turns something into earth. “Earth” is thus one of the symonyms for the “coagulatio.” Is is heavy and permanent, of fixed position and shape. It doesn’t disappear into the air by volatilizing nor pliantly adapt itself to the shape of any container as does water. Its form and location are fixed. Thus, for a psychic content to become earth means that it has been concretized in a particular localized form, i.e., it has become attached to an ego. …
The Loathly Damsel: Motif of the Ugly Woman — Philip T. Zabriskie
…The motif of the loathly damsel or of an ugly woman appears from time to time in the pictorial material of the human psyche — whether in imaginative art, or literature, or in the dreams of individuals. Furthermore, when this figure comes, she appears to cary importance, so we are pressed to take her seriously and consider her meaning. Imagery is not the only way in which the unconscious manifests itself; it is also manifest in emotions and behavior of both individuals and of societies, in goings on in the body, or in outer events. But imagery is an aspect of psychic life which is especially available to the mind’s eye. It is an important part of the process of learning about oneself; it is part, therefore, of becoming conscious of the archetypal powers which operate mostly out of sight; it is to confront — and to be confronted by — the images produced by the unconscious. Hence, a major portion of this paper is designed to hold up some examples of the loathly damsel. After that I will make some rather extended comments about what such imagery may mean, especially for men. …
Women Artists: Key to the Female Psyche — Inez Martinez
…In this essay I have a threefold aim: to suggest that the common way we arrive at the definition of the “other” is treacherous and pitted with projections; to question the definitions of the feminine evolved under patriarchy; and to illustrate how an empirical approach to discovering part of what might be collective in the female unconscious is available through the study of female artists. …
Melville’s Moby-Dick: A Jungian Commentary— Edward F. Edinger. New Directions Books. Reviewed by James Yandell.
Two Films: Autumn Sonata and Interiors. Reviewed by Jonathan J. Goldberg.
The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning of Fairy Tales— Bruno Bettelheim. Vintage Books. Reviewed by V. Walter Odajnyk.
The Symbolic Profile— Ruth Thacker Fry and Joyce Hall. Gulf Publishing Co. Reviewed by Kitty Kurti.
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