Silence Where No Sound May Be: The Dormouse Complex in Ethics Cases
— Janet O. Dallett
I have to confess to an intractable complex that colors my view of confidentiality in ethics cases. I call it the Dormouse complex. Whenever someone tries to silence me, I feel the way I imagine the Dormouse at the Mad Tea Party felt when the Mad Hatter and the March Hare tried to stuff it into a teapot. Claustrophobic. Panicky. Tearful and incoherent. Unaccountably ashamed. Barely able to move.
People have been trying to stuff me into a teapot all my life, so the complex has gotten a good workout. The effects of both analysis and time, usually presumed to be healing, have only made it worse. Much worse. …
Barnstock’s Progeny: The Sword of Incest and the Tree of Life in Freud, Jung, and Spielrein (Part 1)
— Greg Mogenson
Jung begins his essay “The Philosophical Tree” by quoting a brief passage from Goethe’s Faust: “All theory, my friend, is grey, ⁄ But green life’s golden tree” (Jung 1945, p. 252). In this essay, we shall be dealing with theories — the theories of Freud and Jung. In keeping with the lines of verse Jung quotes from Faust, we shall also be dealing with a tree. Our tree, like the philosophical tree described by our analytic forebear, is also an imaginal tree. To actual, botanical trees, such as those studied by Gustave Senn, the professor of botany for whose Festschrift Jung wrote his seminal essay, our tree stands in something of the same relationship as Mjollnir, the Hammer of Thor, does to actual lightning, or the hero myth to the endlessly repeating cycle of the rising and setting sun. …
Like Trees Walking: Stories Of Healing With Nature
— Susan S. Scott
The mysterious gifts of nature initiated me into seeing all of life with new eyes when a back injury forced me up and out of my chair as writer and psychotherapist. Literally, I could not sit down without causing damage to the nerves controlling movement of my legs. Having no idea at the time that my life and work would be changed so completely by this “call” to to outside, I simply stumbled through the doorway in bewilderment to do walking therapy sessions with my clients. My first year of healing and discovery was mostly full of profound suffering, sadness, and fear with only glimpses of insight into new possibilities. Those brief views eventually gave way to more enduring perspectives that changed the direction of my life, much like a tree is sculpted by the dance of light and shade in a forest. …
Mnemosyne, the Mother of the Muses: The Role of Memory in Greek Mythology and Religion (Part 1)
— Gary D. Astrachan
This paper attempts to trace out a small portion of the development of the notion and role of memory in Western consciousness: the role that memory plays in image and ritual in Greek mythology and religion. We want to know who and what memory was for the Greeks; what was her image and her provenance, her nature and her domain. We will attempt to discover how memory herself was seen to work and figure, to move and act throughout this circumscribed segment of the Western tradition. …
Book Reviews
Review Essay: Edward F. Edinger’s Commentaries on Jung’s Later Work
— J. Gary Sparks
Commentaries Discussed:
The Mysterium Lectures: A Journey through C.G. Jung’s Mysterium Coniunctionis. — Edward F. Edinger. Edited by Joan Dexter Blackmer. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1995.
Anatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy.
— Edward F. Edinger. La Salle, Il.: Open Court, 1985.
The Mystery of the Coniunctio: Alchemical Image of Individuation.
— Edward F. Edinger. Edited by Joan Dexter Blackmer. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1994.
The Aion Lectures: Exploring the Self in C. G. Jung’s Aion.
— Edward F. Edinger. Edited by Deborah A. Wesley. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1996.
Transformation of the God-Image: An Elucidation of Jung’s Answer to Job.
— Edward F. Edinger. Edited by Lawrence W. Jaffee. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1992.
Encounter with the Self: A Jungian Commentary on William Blake’s Illustrations of the Book of Job.
— Edward F. Edinger. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1986.
The New God-Image: A Study of Jung’s Key Letters Concerning the Evolution of the Western God-Image.
— Edward F. Edinger. Wilmette, Il: Chiron Publications, 1996.