Jungian Dream Interpretation- Part 2

5 consecutive Fridays, 6:00-7:30pm
Eastern Time, USA, online only via Zoom. 

Beginning April 21, 2023
Instructor: Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

A dream uses an imagistic language we can decipher. This language is universal, the same as used in myths from stone-age cultures. A dream shows us the next possible step in our developing personality. It warns us if we are going astray, encourages us if we need it, or offers penetrating insights into our confusion.  We work together as a team and have fun. We confirm or disconfirm each interpretation with experimental evidence. We will not work with class members’ dreams. Please bring a dream, with permission, from a family member or friend.

This course is a continuation of Part 1. Please note that you can enroll in this course without having taken Part 1.



Please look at the suggested readings at this address in advance of the start of this class:   https://jungny.com/jungian-dream-interpretation-readings/

Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between associations, explanations, and amplifications to a dream image.
  2. Distinguish between Freud's and Jung's use of associations to dream images.
  3. Identify which part of a dream gives the current psychological situation.
  4. Recognize the dream's setting and its importance.
  5. Practice using both logic and imagination in dream analysis.
  6. Identify some physiological reactions of the dreamer which demonstrate a useful interpretation.
  7. Describe the relationship between a dream and the dreamer's psychological progress.
  8. Recognize when a dream may (or may not) be helpful in clinical work.
  9. Recognize what Jung meant by a "true symbol."

Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at Zoom.us

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at cgjungny@aol.com.  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Cynthia Poorbaugh MFA, LP is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York, and Cold Spring, NY. She is a faculty member and supervisor for the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association, and a member of  the IAAP and IJAS. She has presented papers at psychoanalytic training colloquia and international conferences. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the C.G. Jung Foundation, and teaches for the Foundation’s Continuing Education program. Her area of interest in teaching, writing and research is the relationship between Jung’s archetypal theory and astrology, and how astrology illuminates key facets of Jung’s theory and the symbolic attitude.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. He has a private practice in New York City.   

David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA, is a Jungian trained analyst in private practice in NYC. He is a graduate of Columbia University. He is an award-winning educator, award-winning designer, and has, for over 25 years, shared his ideas and insights through writing, teaching, presentations, and workshops domestically and internationally. He was a Fellow at the prestigious United States National Academy of Science and a Visiting Scholar at the Library of Congress, both in Washington DC. David has been on the faculty of NYU since 2003 and, as a service to our country, has evaluated tens of millions of grant applications for the U.S. Government. For more information visit http://drdavidwalczyk.com

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Email: cgjungny@aol.com
Web address: www.cgjungny.org
Like us @facebook.com/cgjungny
Follow us @twitter.com/cgjungny



Exploring the Widest and Most Revolutionary Applications of Jung’s Ideas

We Now Have a Tool to Navigate the Length
and Breadth of the Human Psyche

5 consecutive Mondays, 7:00 – 8:30pm
Eastern Time, USA, online only via Zoom
Beginning February 27, 2023

Instructor: David Rottman, MA


7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

In this course we will take up one of the most startling, challenging, and creative statements in all of psychology. The Jungian psychologist Yoram Kaufmann, (author of The Way of the Image, the Orientational Approach to the Psyche), studied Jung’s ideas with utmost care and precision, and, deeply inspired, said he “crystallized” Jung’s ideas in a useful and practical condensed form. He called this new form “the orientational approach” and said the orientational approach, properly understood, gives us a way to comprehend all forms of psychological expression. In summarizing his findings, Dr. Kaufmann made an extraordinary capsule statement that was seen by some as contentious and startling, and by others as profoundly innovative and liberating:
“All in all, the orientational approach allows one to navigate the length and breadth of the psyche.”

In this course we will test Jung’s and Kaufmann’s ideas against what we most want to learn about our own lives: what can we learn that’s new about psychological health and well-being, about relationships, about work and self-expression, about dreams, and about the therapeutic process? We will apply the “orientational approach” to each of those topics, while keeping an eye on what we can learn about the “length and breadth” of the human psyche.

Readings will consist of handouts of excerpts from the work of Jung and Marie-Louise Von Franz. Students are requested to have their own copy of The Way of the Image which is available in book form at the C.G. Jung Foundation Book Service (call 212-697-6430 with Visa or MasterCard or visit us!) and Amazon and as an e-book from Amazon.  The book store’s web page is http://cgjungny.org/book-service/

Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

1.  Summarize how Jung’s work allows us to extend the scope and depth of our understanding of the human psyche
2. Describe the role of situational awareness and context analysis in understanding psychological material such as complexes, dreams and fantasies
3. Discuss Jung’s idea of the “dominants” of the archetypes of the collective unconscious
4. Apply the “orientational approach” to everyday problems of human interaction such as the desire for relationship, and the need for self-expression at work.

Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at Zoom.us

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at cgjungny@aol.com.  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published numerous papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Cynthia Poorbaugh MFA, LP is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York, and Cold Spring, NY. She is a faculty member and supervisor for the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association, and a member of  the IAAP and IJAS. She has presented papers at psychoanalytic training colloquia and international conferences. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the C.G. Jung Foundation, and teaches for the Foundation’s Continuing Education program. Her area of interest in teaching, writing and research is the relationship between Jung’s archetypal theory and astrology, and how astrology illuminates key facets of Jung’s theory and the symbolic attitude.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. He has a private practice in New York City.   

David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA, is a Jungian trained analyst in private practice in NYC. He is a graduate of Columbia University. He is an award-winning educator, award-winning designer, and has, for over 25 years, shared his ideas and insights through writing, teaching, presentations, and workshops domestically and internationally. He was a Fellow at the prestigious United States National Academy of Science and a Visiting Scholar at the Library of Congress, both in Washington DC. David has been on the faculty of NYU since 2003 and, as a service to our country, has evaluated tens of millions of grant applications for the U.S. Government. For more information visit http://drdavidwalczyk.com

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Email: cgjungny@aol.com
Web address: www.cgjungny.org
Like us @facebook.com/cgjungny
Follow us @twitter.com/cgjungny



Jungian Dream Interpretation- Part 1

5 consecutive Fridays, 6:00-7:30pm
Eastern Time, USA, online only via Zoom. 

Beginning March 3, 2023
Instructor: Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

A dream uses an imagistic language we can decipher. This language is universal, the same as used in myths from stone-age cultures. A dream shows us the next possible step in our developing personality. It warns us if we are going astray, encourages us if we need it, or offers penetrating insights into our confusion. We work together as a team and have fun. We confirm or disconfirm each interpretation with experimental evidence. We will not work with class members’ dreams. Please bring a dream, with permission, from a family member or friend.


Please look at the suggested readings at this address in advance of the start of this class:   https://jungny.com/jungian-dream-interpretation-readings/

Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between associations, explanations, and amplifications to a dream image.
  2. Distinguish between Freud's and Jung's use of associations to dream images.
  3. Identify which part of a dream gives the current psychological situation.
  4. Recognize the dream's setting and its importance.
  5. Practice using both logic and imagination in dream analysis.
  6. Identify some physiological reactions of the dreamer which demonstrate a useful interpretation.
  7. Describe the relationship between a dream and the dreamer's psychological progress.
  8. Recognize when a dream may (or may not) be helpful in clinical work.
  9. Recognize what Jung meant by a "true symbol."

Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at Zoom.us

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at cgjungny@aol.com.  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Cynthia Poorbaugh MFA, LP is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York, and Cold Spring, NY. She is a faculty member and supervisor for the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association, and a member of  the IAAP and IJAS. She has presented papers at psychoanalytic training colloquia and international conferences. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the C.G. Jung Foundation, and teaches for the Foundation’s Continuing Education program. Her area of interest in teaching, writing and research is the relationship between Jung’s archetypal theory and astrology, and how astrology illuminates key facets of Jung’s theory and the symbolic attitude.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. He has a private practice in New York City.   

David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA, is a Jungian trained analyst in private practice in NYC. He is a graduate of Columbia University. He is an award-winning educator, award-winning designer, and has, for over 25 years, shared his ideas and insights through writing, teaching, presentations, and workshops domestically and internationally. He was a Fellow at the prestigious United States National Academy of Science and a Visiting Scholar at the Library of Congress, both in Washington DC. David has been on the faculty of NYU since 2003 and, as a service to our country, has evaluated tens of millions of grant applications for the U.S. Government. For more information visit http://drdavidwalczyk.com

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Email: cgjungny@aol.com
Web address: www.cgjungny.org
Like us @facebook.com/cgjungny
Follow us @twitter.com/cgjungny



Attachment and Emotional Regulation in Relationships

5 consecutive Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Eastern Time, USA, online only via Zoom
Beginning March 2, 2023

Instructor: David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

“We do as we have been done by.” – John Bowlby

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choice to become.” – Carl Jung

Have you ever wondered how our earliest relationships and the emotional regulation strategies we develop from them during our early life influences, informs, encodes, and unconsciously determines our adult lives and relationships. If so, then you’re interested in attachment, regulation, and how our early relationships are what structure our (un)consciousness.

In this course, we’ll review forms of attachment and regulation, and examine how attachment style and capacity for affect regulation effects adult life. We’ll also delineate the biological basis, that is the neuroscience, of attachment and regulation. Pragmatically, we’ll seek to apply and then reflect on the function of attachment and regulation within our everyday life. Participants who complete the course will gain a pragmatic understanding of attachment and regulation in their own lives and the lives of those they care about.


Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

1. Discern and appraise the different styles of attachment and the different styles of affect regulation
2. Comprehend how attachment style and emotional regulation is formed during early childhood
3. Perceive and identify the effects of attachment style and affect regulation on adult life and relationships
4. Grasp and explain the relationship between attachment and neuroscience
5. Grasp and explain the relationship between affect regulation and neuroscience
6. Recognize how attachment style and affect regulation informs clinical practice as a therapist and as a patient/client.


Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at Zoom.us

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.

PAY ONLINE: YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD.


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration. Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at cgjungny@aol.com.  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Cynthia Poorbaugh MFA, LP is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York, and Cold Spring, NY. She is a faculty member and supervisor for the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association, and a member of  the IAAP and IJAS. She has presented papers at psychoanalytic training colloquia and international conferences. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the C.G. Jung Foundation, and teaches for the Foundation’s Continuing Education program. Her area of interest in teaching, writing and research is the relationship between Jung’s archetypal theory and astrology, and how astrology illuminates key facets of Jung’s theory and the symbolic attitude.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. He has a private practice in New York City.
David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA, is a Jungian trained analyst in private practice in NYC. He is a graduate of Columbia University. He is an award-winning educator, award-winning designer, and has, for over 25 years, shared his ideas and insights through writing, teaching, presentations, and workshops domestically and internationally. He was a Fellow at the prestigious United States National Academy of Science and a Visiting Scholar at the Library of Congress, both in Washington DC. David has been on the faculty of NYU since 2003 and, as a service to our country, has evaluated tens of millions of grant applications for the U.S. Government. For more information visit http://drdavidwalczyk.com

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Email: cgjungny@aol.com
Web address: www.cgjungny.org
Like us @facebook.com/cgjungny
Follow us @twitter.com/cgjungny



Exploring the Widest and Most Revolutionary Applications of Jung’s Ideas

28 East 39th Street, NYC
5 Wednesday, 7:15 – 8:45pm est
November 9, 16, 30, December 7, 14 (No class session Nov. 23)

Instructor: Christopher Cooper, MS, LP

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

Masculinity is in crisis. As the waning of patriarchy has eroded social norms and gender stereotypes that privileged males, increasing numbers of men in our culture are now struggling with feelings of rejection, existential angst, and uncertainty. Since the beginning of the #metoo movement, much has been written about “toxic” masculinity, insidious misogyny, and the need for collective action to stem the tide of violent acts against women. Meanwhile, the epidemic of violence erupting from isolated and alienated young men continues to dominate headlines on a seemingly daily basis. New models of authentic masculinity are desperately called for, but few exist. Now, more than ever, masculine psychological development is in need of serious reimagining. This course will explore the archetypal underpinnings of masculine psychological development to enrich clinical understanding of the maladaptive male behaviors, attitudes, ideas, and outlooks that are increasingly presenting in consulting rooms across the country and around the world.


Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

1. Challenge the social norms and gender stereotypes that have placed limits on the male gender experience.
2. Distinguish archetypal patterns that underpin masculine psychological development.
3. Comprehend the centrality and symbolic importance of aggression in the masculine Individuation process.
4. Differentiate between the qualities of “authentic” masculinity and hyper masculinity
5. Identify approaches to attend to the developmental, psychological, and spiritual needs of men in clinical settings.


With the exception of the course on Redemption and the Dark Masculine, these are online courses, given through the program Zoom.
Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at Zoom.us

The Redemption and the Dark Masculine course is a course
which is given in-person only at the Jung Center, 28 East 39th Street, NYC

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at cgjungny@aol.com.  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Christopher Cooper, MS, LP, NCPsyA, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. He is also a strategic advisor to some of the world’s most respected brands and an expert in understanding the psychodynamics of organizations, including how archetypal patterns can disrupt the harmony and integrity of corporate cultures. Chris completed his graduate studies at Columbia University and clinical training at the C.G. Jung Institute of New York. https://christopherdcooper.com

Sanford L. Drob, PhD, is on the Core Faculty of the doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, California, and the C.G. Jung Institute of New York. He holds doctorates in philosophy and clinical psychology and served for many years as the Director of Psychological Assessment and Senior Forensic Psychologist at Bellevue Hospital in New York. Dr. Drob is the author of numerous professional articles in clinical, forensic and philosophical psychology. His Reading the Red Book: An Interpretive Guide to C.G. Jung’s Liber Novus was published by Spring Journal Books in June 2012. Dr. Drob’s other books include Kabbalistic Visions: C.G. Jung and Jewish Mysticism (Spring Journal Books, 2010), Kabbalah and Postmodernism: A Dialog (Peter Lang, 2009), and Archetype of the Absolute: The Unity of Opposites in Mysticism, Philosophy and Psychology (Fielding University Press, 2017). He is also a narrative painter whose work encompasses archetypal themes.

Brother Damien Joseph, SSF, is a professed member of the Society of Saint Francis, an order of Franciscan Friars in the Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion. He currently serves as Provincial Secretary for the American Province. He received a BA from Pennsylvania State University and completed graduate study at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, FL (counseling and theology) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA (theology and ministry). He worked in counseling and case management roles in crisis counseling, inpatient mental health, outpatient substance abuse treatment, and correctional counseling. He values his roles as a teacher, a mentor, an advocate and a servant leader.

Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published numerous papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism. 

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. He has a private practice in New York City.

Maria Taveras, LCSW, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  She is also an award-winning creator of Dream Art.  She creates art from images in her own dreams and is the recipient of two Gradiva Awards from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for her Dream Art.  Her Dream Art has been exhibited in New York, San Francisco, Berkeley, London, Montreal, and Cape Town.


For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Email: cgjungny@aol.com
Web address: www.cgjungny.org
Like us @facebook.com/cgjungny
Follow us @twitter.com/cgjungny



The Unanticipated Effects of Screens on the Adolescent Psyche

Saturday, February 18, 2023
12:30 – 4:00pm est

(Please note the later time)

a  Zoom seminar led by
Robert Tyminski, DMH

3.5 CE contact hours for Licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists for this program. This program will not be recorded.

Boys and young men spend hours daily focusing on screens. We will explore how media in cyberspace become alternate containers for many of them in distress. We will talk about what this means for their psyche in terms of relationships and fantasies, especially their becoming fascinated with apocalyptic fantasies.

We will look at some contemporary difficulties in clinical work with male adolescents and young men. What brings them into therapy? How willing are they to engage with us?

We will discuss the role of alienation, in particular, how it shuts down access to their inner worlds. This situation leads to clinical encounters in which boys and men feel unable to even describe what is happening inside them. Ideas about psychic containment will help us to appreciate many of the therapeutic challenges that we encounter.

The participants will be able to:

  1. Define of the main characteristics of alienation in boys and young men.
  2. List at least three clinical manifestations of alienation that show up in initial presentations for therapy or analysis.
  3. Describe two strategies for dealing with relational avoidance in psychotherapy.
  4. Explain how activities online can become addictive.

Robert Tyminski, DMH, is a Jungian analyst and licensed psychologist in private practice in San Francisco, working with adults, adolescents and children. He is a member and past president of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, where he is also on the teaching faculty. He is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California at San Francisco, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute. Dr. Tyminski has lectured extensively both nationally and internationally and has published numerous articles in Journal of Analytical Psychology and International Journal of Jungian Studies, among others. He is the author of books including The Psychology of Theft and Loss: Stolen and Fleeced (Routledge, 2014), Male Alienation at the Crossroads of Identity, Culture and Cyberspace (Routledge, 2019) and most recently, The Psychological Effects of Immigrating: A Depth Psychology Perspective on Relocating to a New Place (Routledge, 2022).

Members/Students: $90 |  General Public: $100


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link


$100 General Public

$90 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at cgjungny@aol.com.  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.



When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at cgjungny@aol.com.  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 3.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

The C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, Inc. is recognized by New York State Education Department’s State Board of Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0350.

The C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychoanalysts. #P-0015.

C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed creative arts therapists, #CAT-0068.

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Email: cgjungny@aol.com
Web address: www.cgjungny.org
Like us @facebook.com/cgjungny
Follow us @twitter.com/cgjungny



Tension of Opposites in Times of Changes-Jung and Film


Tension of Opposites in Times of Change

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Tickets for Jung and Film begin at $25 per person.

This is a fundraiser in support of the work of the C.G. Jung Foundation,
so please be generous with your donation when buying tickets

Buy Tickets Here

A Creative Evening Interpreting Independent
Short Films from the Thomas Edison Film Festival Collection Through a Jungian Lens

Reflections and Discussion following the films led by Jungian analysts:
Jane Selinske, Heide Kolb and Cynthia Poorbaugh

Opening remarks by Jane Selinske,
President, C.G. Jung Foundation

Moderated by Christina McDonald

Experimental film,  4 minutes, by Zillah Bowes, 2022 Stellar Award

Weeds aren't just weeds. They're like friends. During the first Covid-19 wave, plants and flowers are allowed to grow wild. Using 3D animated photos, the film lyrically re-examines our relationship with urban plant life in the urgent context of biodiversity loss and climate crisis.

Documentary film, 10 minutes, by Rafael Salazar and Ava Wiland 2022 Jury’s Citation Award

Sculptor, performer, and sound healer Guadalupe Maravilla combines his personal experiences as a formerly undocumented immigrant and cancer survivor with indigenous knowledge to create new rituals for healing. An impressionistic and kaleidoscopic look at Maravilla’s multifaceted practice and biography, the film follows the celebrated Salvadoran born artist as he creates epic cast metal towers at Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City and conducts healing “sound baths” for his community. The film was produced by the long-running, Peabody Award-winning documentary non-profit Art21.

*The Brooklyn Museum is presenting a special exhibition, Guadalupe Maravilla: Tierra Blanca Joven, now through September 18th. See the Museum’s website for details. 

Animation, 2 minutes, by Stacey Davis and Ali Clark, 2022 Director’s Choice Award

Told from alternating points of view, “A Hand to Hold” explores the connective thread of handholding between parent and child. When mother and child release hands – and enjoy the freedom that comes from letting go – they do so knowing that they will always be joined.


Jane Selinske, EdD, LCSW, LP, NCPsyA, is a licensed Jungian Analyst and graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, Rutgers University and Columbia University. She is a teacher of Mandala Drawing Assessment and a Board Certified Music Therapist. She is a staff member at Rutgers University Doctoral Program in Social Work where she teaches a Jungian component, the Institute for Expressive Analysis and the C.G. Jung Foundation of New York where she is President of the Board of Trustees.

CONTACT HOURS: Four CE contact hours for Licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists for this program.

The C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, Inc. is recognized by New York State Education Department’s State Board of Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0350.

The C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychoanalysts. #P-0015.

C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed creative arts therapists, #CAT-0068.

Tuition for the Spring 2022 12-week seminar is $540.

$540 Cinema through a Jungian Theoretical Lens


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link

Please choose your level of donation.

Larger donations can be made with Visa or MasterCard by calling the C.G. Jung Foundation at 212-697-6430 or mailing a check made payable to The C.G. Jung Foundation.

We thank you for your support.

$25 per person


$40 per person


$100 per person

For registration by mail, please snail-mail this form:
Click Button to Download Form.
Include your credit card information or check, made payable to
the C.G. Jung Foundation, and a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
The C.G. Jung Foundation 
28 East 39th Street
 New York, NY 10016
Fax: 212-953-3989


These are all online courses, given through the program Zoom.
Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at Zoom.us


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration. Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at  cgjungny@aol.com.
The Foundation will send you a Zoom invitation the day before the event.

Please note  that by registering for this event, you agree that you will not record this event in any format.  The content belongs exclusively to the C.G. Jung Foundation and the Thomas Edison Film Festival.  We thank the Film Festival for their support.  You can view all award winning films on the Thomas Edison Film Festival website at www.tefilmfest.org.






Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430, Fax: (212) 953-3989
Email: cgjungny@aol.com
Web address: www.cgjungny.org
Like us @facebook.com/cgjungny
Follow us @twitter.com/cgjungny



These are all online courses, given through the program Zoom.
Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at Zoom.us


Jung the Artist in Search
of the Mysterium Coniunctionis: Individuation, A New Myth, Part 2

5 consecutive Wednesdays 6:00 – 7:30pm. Eastern Time, USA via Zoom
Beginning April 13, 2022

Instructor: Maria Taveras, LCSW

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

This second course will continue to develop the comparison and elaboration of C.G. Jung as Artist of the Red Book and Jung’s Analytical Psychology in relation to but not limited to 20th Century artists and their work in search of the spiritual, or the Mysterium Coniunctionis, summarily as Jung did. See description for Part 1 for more detail.

Using the works of modern artists and writers, we will discuss the structure of the psyche as outlined in Jung’s Analytical Psychology, including the concepts of Ego, The Shadow, Anima and Animus and The Self. We will also discuss the components of the Conjunction and the meaning and functions of psychological processes of the Conscious, Unconscious and Individuation from a Jungian perspective. We will aim for a fundamental understanding of the creative process of Individuation as amplified by “The Old Wise Woman” A Study of Active Imagination with mythological parallels to what we may call the “personal myth” of the subject/artist and that of 20th Century artists. Experiential class participation will include guided Active of participants’ own dream work.
You do not have to have taken Part 1 to register for Part 2.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Discuss the Structure of Psyche based on C.G. Jung’s Analytical Psychology.
  2. Demonstrate a rudimentary understanding of the psychological dynamics of psyche: Ego, The Shadow, The Syzygy: Anima and Animus, and The Self.
  3. Demonstrate a rudimentary understanding of the components of the Conjunction:
  4. The opposites
  5. The paradoxa
  6. The personification of the opposites
  7. Rex and Regina
  8. Adam and Eve
  9. The conjunction
  10. Explain the development of the ego in relationship with the Unconscious.
  11. Discuss the creative process of Individuation based on the work of C.G. Jung.


Brother Damien Joseph, SSF, is a professed member of the Society of Saint Francis, an order of Franciscan Friars in the Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion. He currently serves as Provincial Secretary for the American Province. He received a BA from Pennsylvania State University and completed graduate study at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, FL (counseling and theology) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA (theology and ministry). He worked in counseling and case management roles in crisis counseling, inpatient mental health, outpatient substance abuse treatment, and correctional counseling. He values his roles as a teacher, a mentor, an advocate and a servant leader.

Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published numerous papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He teaches courses on Jungian psychology in the United States and internationally. He has a private practice and is based in New York.

Maria Taveras, LCSW, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  She is also an award-winning creator of Dream Art.  She creates art from images in her own dreams and is the recipient of two Gradiva Awards from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for her Dream Art.  Her Dream Art has been exhibited in New York, San Francisco, Berkeley, London, Montreal, and Cape Town.

David Walczyk, EdD, LP, is a Jungian-trained Psychoanalyst, Professor at NYU for 19 years, and a socially responsible design consultant based in NYC.  For over thirty years he has worked at the intersection of creativity, design, psychology, and spirituality. He was a Policy Fellow at the prestigious US National Academy of Sciences in Washington DC, a Visiting Scholar at the US Library of Congress, has worked at Columbia University School of Business and General Electric R&D, and has reviewed and evaluated 10’s of millions of dollars in grant applications for the US Government. He was a member of the Board of the C.G. Jung Foundation of New York and the Buckminster Fuller Institute. Visit http://drdavidwalczyk.com .

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD.

PART 2: All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.

Jung the Artist in Search of the Mysterium Coniunctionis:
Individuation, A New Myth Part 2

General Public


These are all online courses, given through the program Zoom.
Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at Zoom.us

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430, Fax: (212) 953-3989
Email: cgjungny@aol.com
Web address: www.cgjungny.org
Like us @facebook.com/cgjungny
Follow us @twitter.com/cgjungny



Jung the Artist in Search
of the Mysterium Coniunctionis: Individuation, A New Myth, Part 1

5 consecutive Wednesdays 6:00 – 7:30pm. Eastern Time, USA via Zoom
Beginning March 2, 2022

Instructor: Maria Taveras, LCSW

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

This course will introduce a comparison and elaboration of C.G. Jung as Artist of the Red Book and Jung’s Analytical Psychology in relation to but not limited to 20th Century artists and their work in search of the spiritual, or the Mysterium Coniunctionis, summarily as Jung did.

A mysterious, unfathomable medium is where the creative process occurs in the Mysterium Coniunctionis, in the unconscious where the emergence of consciousness evolves over time. Jung gives a thorough account of the problems of philosophical alchemy, and in particular of its main endeavor-- the synthesis of opposites. He succeeds in showing that “the world of alchemical symbols does not belong to the rubbish heap of the past, but stands in a very real and living relationship to our most recent discoveries concerning the psychology of the unconscious.”

Using the works of modern artists and writers, we will discuss the structure of the psyche as outlined in Jung’s Analytical Psychology, including the concepts of Ego, The Shadow, Anima and Animus and The Self.  We will also discuss the components of the Conjunction and the meaning and functions of psychological processes of the Conscious, Unconscious and Individuation from a Jungian perspective.  We will aim for a fundamental understanding of the creative process of Individuation as amplified by the instructor’s own art, such as the painting above, Poseidon’s Ear, and that of 20th Century artists. Experiential class participation will include guided Active Imagination of participants’ own dream work.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Discuss the Structure of Psyche based on C.G. Jung’s Analytical Psychology.
  2. Demonstrate a basic rudimentary understanding of the psychological dynamics of psyche.
  3. Demonstrate a basic rudimentary understanding of the components of the Conjunction.
  4. Explain the meaning and functions of the psychological processes of Conscious, Unconscious, and Individuation from a Jungian perspective.
  5. Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the creative process of Individuation based on the work of C.G. Jung.


Brother Damien Joseph, SSF, is a professed member of the Society of Saint Francis, an order of Franciscan Friars in the Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion. He currently serves as Provincial Secretary for the American Province. He received a BA from Pennsylvania State University and completed graduate study at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, FL (counseling and theology) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA (theology and ministry). He worked in counseling and case management roles in crisis counseling, inpatient mental health, outpatient substance abuse treatment, and correctional counseling. He values his roles as a teacher, a mentor, an advocate and a servant leader.

Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published numerous papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He teaches courses on Jungian psychology in the United States and internationally. He has a private practice and is based in New York.

Maria Taveras, LCSW, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  She is also an award-winning creator of Dream Art.  She creates art from images in her own dreams and is the recipient of two Gradiva Awards from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for her Dream Art.  Her Dream Art has been exhibited in New York, San Francisco, Berkeley, London, Montreal, and Cape Town.

David Walczyk, EdD, LP, is a Jungian-trained Psychoanalyst, Professor at NYU for 19 years, and a socially responsible design consultant based in NYC.  For over thirty years he has worked at the intersection of creativity, design, psychology, and spirituality. He was a Policy Fellow at the prestigious US National Academy of Sciences in Washington DC, a Visiting Scholar at the US Library of Congress, has worked at Columbia University School of Business and General Electric R&D, and has reviewed and evaluated 10’s of millions of dollars in grant applications for the US Government. He was a member of the Board of the C.G. Jung Foundation of New York and the Buckminster Fuller Institute. Visit http://drdavidwalczyk.com .

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD.

Part 1:  All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.

Jung the Artist in Search of the Mysterium Coniunctionis:
Individuation, A New Myth Part 1

General Public

PART 2:   All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.

Jung the Artist in Search of the Mysterium Coniunctionis:
Individuation, A New Myth Part 2


General Public


These are all online courses, given through the program Zoom.
Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at Zoom.us

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430, Fax: (212) 953-3989
Email: cgjungny@aol.com
Web address: www.cgjungny.org
Like us @facebook.com/cgjungny
Follow us @twitter.com/cgjungny

