our Mine

Duende (year 2012)

Winner of the GRADIVA AWARD from
the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis

This is a fundraiser in support of the work of the C.G. Jung Foundation.
Your ticket payment is a donation which can be made in various amounts.



Creative Evening

A Creative Evening Interpreting
the Independent Film “Duende” through a Jungian Lens

featuring Filmmaker Patricia Soledad Llosa

Moderated by
Christina McDonald

Opening remarks by
Jane Selinske

President, C.G. Jung Foundation

Commentary by
Patricia Soledad Llosa, Filmmaker and Jungian Analyst

Reflections and Discussion Groups following the film
led by Jungian analysts:
Jane Selinske, Cynthia Poorbaugh and Heide Kolb


A Creative Evening Interpreting the Independent

Short Film “Duende” through a Jungian Lens

featuring Filmmaker Patricia Soledad Llosa

Moderated by Christina McDonald

Opening remarks by Jane Selinske

President, C.G. Jung Foundation

Commentary by

Patricia Soledad Llosa, Filmmaker and Jungian Analyst

Reflections and Discussion following the film

led by Jungian analysts:

Jane Selinske, Cynthia Poorbaugh and Heide Kolb




Jane Selinske, EdD, LCSW, LP, NCPsyA, is a licensed Jungian Analyst and graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, Rutgers University and Columbia University. She is a teacher of Mandala Drawing Assessment and a Board Certified Music Therapist. She is a staff member at Rutgers University Doctoral Program in Social Work where she teaches a Jungian component, the Institute for Expressive Analysis and the C.G. Jung Foundation of New York where she is President of the Board of Trustees.

film description

Patricia Llosa’s Duende is a short film that circumambulates the great Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca’s small masterpiece “The Theory and Play of the Duende,” an essay overflowing with insights and themes of relevance to every student of Carl Jung. Many cultural historians are familiar with duende but hitherto most psychologists are not.

“Duende,” an untranslatable word from Roma folk culture of Southern Spain, describes a small mythological figure, a powerful and mischievous imp or demon who slips in through cracks. At the same time, it means something like “soul,” as in our souls, but also as in “soul music,” an evocation not of the ghostly but the embodied artistic genius of oppressed people.

Lorca’s essay is a kind of rhapsodic catalog of the Duende, which he describes as a dynamic, a dark, possessing power that originates in the earth, a buried spirit of black sounds, an intimate of death. The highest possibility for an artist is to be possessed and struggle with the Duende; at that moment comes a smashing and transcendence of form, and the eruption of spontaneous creation.

PATRICIA LLOSA, M.F.A., L.P. (USA/PERU) is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. She earned her undergraduate degree in archaeology and art history from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and did graduate work at The School of Visual Arts.  For more than 20 years she worked as an administrator and educator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  A graduate of Marion Woodman’s BodySoul Rhythms® Leadership Training Program, a Woodman Foundation Faculty and Board Member, she has taught workshops in Ecuador, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Peru and Spain. Presently, she serves on the boards of the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis Gradiva Awards and The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism and is on the faculty of the Assisi Institute and the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association.


These are all online courses, given through the program Zoom.
Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at Zoom.us

Please Choose Your Level of Donation

We thank you for your support.

$25 per person

$35 per person

$50 per person

$100 per person




The full fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Please register through the payment buttons on our website at cgjungny.org/jung-and-film-duende

When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number
to the Foundation at cgjungny@aol.com

The Foundation will send you a Zoom invitation the day before the event.

Please note  that by registering for this event, you agree that you will not record this event in any format.
The content belongs exclusively to the C.G. Jung Foundation and Patricia Soledad Llosa.

Disclaimer:  There is a very brief bullfighting scene in this film.

