Tuesday, October 1, 2019
12:30 – 1:30 pm
Speaker: Christopher Cooper, MS
We live in a success-obsessed culture. “Failure is not an option” has become a creed and rallying cry. Toxic corporate cultures abound in which achievement is rewarded, while mistakes are not tolerated. Most of us were encouraged to lean into our strengths from an early age. Such a one-sided, unidimensional approach to life can, however, stunt our psychological growth and limit our potential. Our greatest gifts and treasures, it turns out, are not easily accessible, but lie hidden, like gems, in the shadowy depths of the self. It is only when we falter, fail, fall that we end up stumbling upon these hidden treasures, our innermost truths. In this lecture, we will explore different manifestations of the archetype of “The Fall” and how our imperfections can serve as a gateway to uncovering the richest aspects of our beings.
Christopher Cooper, MS, is a recent graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York psychoanalytic training program. He also holds a Masters in Narrative Medicine from Columbia University. In addition to his psychoanalytic pursuits, Chris is also a strategic planning executive who has worked for some of the world’s most respected advertising agencies, including Ogilvy, Ogilvy CommonHealth, Saatchi Wellness, Digitas, G2 and Wolff-Olins. His industry experience spans a diverse range of industry sectors, including health and wellness, specialty pharmaceuticals, hotel and hospitality, cable/MSO, and entertainment.
No reservations required, suggested contribution fee of $2.00. All are welcome.