The Master Archetype: Integrating the Opposites in Life, Thought and Psychotherapy

Seminar #1: Fall 2018-2019
12 Wednesdays: 7:00- 8:30pm
September 12 – December 19
(excluding September 19 and November 7 and 21)

It can be said that the interdependence and union of opposites is the basis of Jung's psychology, the key to the practice of psychotherapy, and the "master archetype," or most general principle, of both life and thought. In this workshop we will trace the history of this archetype in mysticism, alchemy, philosophy, and psychology and explore Jung's thinking on coincidentia oppositorum from The Red Book to Mysterium Coniunctionis. Jung's understanding of this archetype will be considered against the background of his study of alchemy and will be contextualized in relation to the history of both eastern and western spirituality and thought, including Taoism, Hinduism, the Kabbalah, Christian mysticism, Hegel Nietzsche, Freud, and Derrida. Our discussion will focus on how opposition is central to both individuation and the psychotherapeutic process. We will examine Jung's reflections on such oppositions as conscious and unconscious, meaning and absurdity, reason and imagination, life and death, persona and shadow, individual and collective, and anima and animus. Our discussion will range over Jung's views on a wide range of topics, including the self, symbols, art, the imagination, dreams, God, gender, and the meaning of life.

This seminar will consider how the conflict and integration of opposites is a critical factor in our own and our patient's lives, as well as in art and other creative activity. We will see how the integration of opposites serves both as a foundation for a unified "self" and a unified psychology and psychotherapy, one in which different perspectives upon or "maps" of the human psyche are understood as modeling aspects of an integrated whole.

In the course of this seminar we will reflect upon the possibility of living a conscious and aware life when our thoughts, actions and feelings have unconscious determinants; affirming life in the face of death and accepting death in the midst of life; living with and embracing those aspects of ourselves that we find repugnant and even self-destructive; balancing order and disorder in a world and psyche that emerges from chaos; achieving meaning while at the same time recognizing and embracing the absurd; and, pursuing the good while recognizing its interconnection with the inevitability and horror of evil.

Instructor: Sanford L. Drob, PhD

Learning Objectives:

  1. Develop a general knowledge of the relational dynamics that operate within the therapeutic field: reductively and synthetic/purposively, personally and archetypally.
  2. Observe demonstrations of the relational dynamics through role-play.
  3. Discuss the therapeutic alliance and various forms through which the T/C are expressed in a session.
  4. Apply Jung's theory of psychic energy to shared T/C experiences and resistances.
  5. Demonstrate how archetypal affects and symbols are experienced within the T/C field.
  6. Demonstrate understanding of T/C dynamics through presentation of a case.

The Jungian Advanced Seminars


Irina Doctoroff, LMFT, LP, Certified Jungian Analyst, was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. She graduated from St. Petersburg University where she specialized in English Language and Literature. She came to the USA in 1992 and earned a graduate degree in Couples and Family Therapy from the University of Maryland in College Park. Her interest in Jungian theory started while in graduate school and developed over the years to result in graduating from C.G. Jung Institute of New York in 2011. She now works as a Jungian Analyst and couples therapist in private practice in Manhattan and teachers at C.G. Jung Institute and the C.G. Jung Foundation of New York.

Sanford L. Drob, PhD, , is on the faculty of the C.G. Institute and the doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, California. His latest book, Archetype of the Absolute: The Union of Opposites in Mysticism, Philosophy and Psychology was published by Fielding University Press in 2017. Dr. Drob's other books include: Reading the Red Book: An Interpretive Guide to C.G. Jung's Liber Novus (Spring Journal Books, 2012); Kabbalistic Visions: C.G. Jung and Jewish Mysticism (Spring Journal Books, 2010) and Kabbalah and Postmodernism: A Dialog (Peter Lang, 2009). Dr. Drob holds doctorates in philosophy and clinical psychology and served for many years as the Director of Psychological Assessment and Senior Forensic Psychologist at Bellevue Hospital in New York. He is the author of numerous professional articles in clinical, forensic and philosophical psychology. Dr. Drob is also a narrative painter whose work encompasses archetypal themes. His oil paintings can be seen at


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Tuition for each seminar is $540. Students registering for both seminars will pay a discounted $900.

$540  Transference/Countertransference
$540  The Master Archetype:
Integrating the Opposites in Life, Thought and Psychotherapy
$900  Both Advanced Seminars, discounted rate

To Mail or Fax Your Registration,
Click Button to Download Form.

Refunds for Advanced Seminars courses, less $50 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. See below for full policy on refunds and cancellations.


These seminars are intended both for the general public and for professionals.

Eighteen (18) continuing education credits for New York State licensed social workers, psychoanalysts and creative arts therapists are offered for each seminar.

Please note that credit is granted separately for each of the seminars. The program is subject to change without notice.

Policy on cancellation and refunds:

The C.G. Jung Foundation reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel a program at any time. If the Jung Foundation cancels a program, you will receive a full refund of your registration fee.

Refunds are available (less a $50 processing fee) up to seven days before your program. Nonrefundable credit toward a future Jung Foundation program (less a $50 processing fee) is available if you give notice between seven and one day(s) before your program. Credit may be applied to any Jung Foundation program for one year following date of issue.

No credit or refund is available if you cancel on the day of the program; if you do not attend; or if you leave a program early for any reason.

Requests to cancel should be made in writing or by email. Written requests may be sent to:

Office of the Executive Director, C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology
28 East 39th Street,
New York, NY 10016
Email requests may be sent to: C. G. Jung Foundation
