Tuesday, March 5, 2019
12:30 – 1:30pm
Speaker: Ilona Melker, LCSW
Christiana Morgan analyzed with C.G. Jung in 1926. Her visions were contained in three volumes of manuscripts on which Jung’s four-year-long Visions Seminars were based. In the visions the archetype of the dark, earthy, erotic and destructive aspects of the feminine were all present and Jung recognized this. What Jung did not address in the seminars was that the direction of the visions was moving toward coniunctio, the uniting of the masculine with the feminine as opposites. Our visual explorations will be some unexplored images of coniunctio in the middle volume of Christiana’s manuscripts that Jung did not touch upon.
Ilona Melker, LCSW,is a Jungian Psychoanalyst and Certified Sandplay Therapist. She has taught and lectured at the C.G. Jung Foundation and at national conferences. She has contributed to professional journals. She is in private practice in Manhattan and Princeton, New Jersey.