Quadrant Spring 1971

Quadrant: The Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation

The Symbol of the Cloud in European Literature of the 19th and 20th Centuries — James Kirsch

Lectures: The American Indian in Fact and Symbol — Joseph L. Henderson. Précis to the Lectures by Patricia Spindler.

Lecture: Chaos and Rhythm — Alan McGlashan. Précis to the Lecture by Rhoda Head.

Book Reviews

Depth Psychology and the New Ethic— Erich Neumann. Translated by Eugene Rolfe. New York: G. P. Putham’s Sons. 1969. Reprint of review from Findings, Winter 1970-71.

The Unholy Bible— June Singer. New York: G. P. Putham’s Sons. 1970. Reviewed by James C. Aylward.