Quadrant Fall 1972

Quadrant: The Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation

Body Experience and Psychological Awareness— Edward C. Whitmont

In Jungian work you always deal with a paradox, so we will now have a presentation on non-verbal techniques which will be introduced with words. What I propose to talk about first is where we are, how we got there, and why we go from where we are to where we are going. And, believe it not, I am going to start with religion and ecology. …

Drugs: The Devil With The Golden Hair— Nathan J. Schwartz. Resumé of lectures by Gail Cramer.

… Dr. Schwartz began his first lecture with a run-down of the material to be covered, which, he warned, would be difficult. He emphasized that he would be speaking only about hallucinogens and not about opiates or barbiturates, with which he had had no experience. There appears, he said, to be a deep-seated need to find a “place” for drugs, to “know where they are at.” Although there has been a great deal of material written on the subject over the past two hundred years, there is little from the viewpoint of the psyche. … Dr. Schwartz asserted that what he had to contribute would be from the psyche’s point of view only, assuring the audience that the psyche takes a great interest in the drug phenomenon. …


Rorschach Theory and Symbolism; A Jungian Approach to Clinical Material— Robert S. McCully. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Co., 1971. Reviewed by Jessie E. Fraser.

Healing in Depth— Culver M. Barker. London: Hodder & Stoughton. 1972. Reviewed by Jessie E. Fraser.


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