Quadrant: The Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation
Depression: Some Clinical and Theoretical Observations — Warren Steinberg
Over the last few years I have accumulated material on analysands who are prone to developing severe, nonpsychotic depressions. All are unique as individuals, and while common factors are sought that characterize these people as depression-prone, their differences are never forgotten. It is important, however, for analysts to recognize and understand the typical dynamic patterns associated with any particular disorder and to use this knowledge to orient themselves while exploring the unconscious with analysands. The alternative is often aimless wandering. This does not mean that perceptions are forced to fit categories; rather, the archetypical patterns are used to organize and bring meaning to these perceptions. Some of the significant archetypal patterns in the childhoods of these depression-prone individuals are given here. …
The Mirror of Doctor Faustus: The Decline of Art in the Pursuit of Eternal Adolescence — Jeffrey Satinover
It is a commonplace of our self-seeking time to treat the establishment of a coherent sense of self and of a stable identity as a quest. Selfhood and identity are seen as desirable attributes, and one must overcome obstacles in order to achieve them. A somewhat more sophisticated view is that the obstacles are internal and that the “quest” is rather more subtle and complicated than overcoming external obstacles.
Yet even this view is too romantic, for the basic difficulty in the achievement of selfhood lies in the fundamental ambivalence of the self, an ambivalence to which little more than lip service is generally paid. That the self, on an abstract level of description, has both a dark and a light side means, on the level of immediate experience, that the emotions it engenders are both pleasurable and painful, at heart simultaneously. Selfhood is both desired and feared, though we rarely allow ourselves to acknowledge that we are not of one mind in our narcissistic quest. The so-called obstacles to the achievement of our desire are inseparable from the desire itself, as Narcissus painfully learned. …
The Psychologist As Artist: The Imaginal World of James Hillman — V. Walter Odajnyk
… It is almost impossible to grasp the underlying assumptions of a psychoanalytical theory without knowing something about it author. …
Not knowing anything about the personal life of James Hillman, I could never quite appreciate the intent of his writings. The unconscious defined as imagination; the emphasis on images and soul; the preoccupation with Greek and Roman mythology; the insistence on treating the dream only in its own terms; the tendency to dismiss everyday reality in his therapeutic work; the defense of the puer; the positive acceptance of pathology; the constant play on words; the attempt to be original, indeed, revolutionary; and the conscious effort to develop his own school of psychology — what was it all about? …
The Significance of Jungian Psychology For the Exact Sciences — Markus Fierz
This paper is a translation of a speech Professor Fierz delivered at the Jung Centenary at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zürich in July 1975.
In this lecture I should like to speak about the significance of Jungian psychology for the exact sciences. I shall not belabor the obvious by dealing at length with the fact that this day and age have been stamped indelibly with the practical consequences of the sciences. It is also painfully obvious to us all that we feel like the sorcerer's apprentice, calling up spirits that we cannot then subdue. …
Book Reviews
Energies of Love: Sexuality Re-Visioned— June Singer. New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday. 1983. Reviewed by Harriet Gordon Machtiger.
Archetypes: A Natural History of the Self— Dr. Anthony Stevens. New York: Quill. 1983. Reviewed by Mary Ann Mattoon.
The Passion of Al-Hallaj: Mystic and Martyr of Islam— Louis Massignon. Translated by Herbert Mason. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1982. Four volumes. Reviewed by Ann Wood Norton.
The Search For Oneness— Lloyd H. Silverman,Frank M. Lachmann, and Robert H. Milich. New York: International Universities Press. 1982. Reviewed by Gertrud B. Ujhely.
Archetypal Medicine— Alfred J. Ziegler. Dallas: Spring Publications, Inc. 1983. Reviewed by Thomas D. Robinson.
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