Quadrant Fall 1984


Special Section: Body and Psyche

The following three papers were prepared for a workshop entitled “Body and Psyche,” at The National Conference of Jungian Analysts, New York City, May 3–6, 1984.

Giving the Body Its Due

Anita Greene

The wounded places in our own psyches are often the sources of the most creative work we do with our patients. Shaman-like, we have been there. The centrality of body and touch to my own journey of individuation and self-realization manifested itself during my first experience with Jungian therapy twenty years ago. Excited as I was by my discovery of Jungian thought and the power of my dream images, I nevertheless remember one moment more than any other. It occurred after a session in which I reconnected to a very young and helpless child within myself. As I was leaving, my analyst took my hands and held them. This was a simple act, but one that reached into a dark recess of my soul and brought forth a flood of tears. An inner voice spoke: “You have forgotten how primary touch is for experiencing your Self.” …

Psyche/Soma Awareness

— Marion Woodman
Body awareness is essential to my analytic practice because many of my analysands, especially those with eating disorders, are so alienated from their bodies that during the first long months of analysis, their dreams rarely manifest their shadow problems. …

To Move and Be Move

 Joan Chodorow
In the beginning, there was not the word, rather there was the symbolic action — a union of body and psyche. In the beginning, dance was the sacred language through which we communed and communicated with the vast unknown. In earliest times, the dancer was both healer and priest.

Then, through the centuries, in the name of progress and civilization, mind and body were split apart. Separate professions developed to attend to the needs of increasingly compartmentalized beings. The instinctive body was seen as a threat because it represented the “lower,” animal, aspects of human nature. As the life of the body was suppressed, so too was the receptive, feminine principle. …

A Jungian Perspective on Interpretation — John Beebe

When I entered analytic training, I imagined that I would learn to dispense analysis as I had already learned to dispense other medicine. I had no doubt that analysis was something an analyst dispensed. My conception of the unconscious being made conscious involved the patient’s progressive assimilation of bits of truth that the analyst made available by means of well-timed, accurate interpretations. I was of course aware that the analyst might not be able to anticipate the material that accurate interpretation of defenses might make accessible, but this fact only reinforced my view that the analyst’s interpretations were essential. As I saw it, the analyst was in control of the entire process, and if the analyst did not do his work properly, the analysis could not proceed. …

The Enemy Image

— Hans Dieckmann
The term “enemy image” (“Feindbild”), though scarcely well defined, has passed with its particular psychoanalytic context into the contemporary political scene in Germany. “Dispelling enemy images” (“Feindbilder abzubauen”) is a slogan of our time. I often wonder where these enemy images come from and how they really can be dispelled. …

Book Reviews

The Zofingia Lectures

— C. G. Jung. Bollingen Series. Princeton University Press. 1983. Reviewed by Ross L. Hainline.

Jungian Analysis

— Murray Stein, editor. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co. 1982. Reviewed by Jeffrey Satinover.

Jungian Dream Interpretation: A Handbook of Theory and Practice

— James Hall, M.D. Toronto: Inner City Books. 1983. Reviewed by Mary Ann Mattoon.

Reviewed together by Anneliese Schwarzer:

Cinderella And Her Sisters: The Envied and The Envying

— Ann and Barry Ulanov. Philadelphia: Westminster Press. 1983.

Receiving Woman: Studies in The Psychology and Theology of the Feminine

— Ann Belford Ulanov. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1981.

The Tarot: A Myth of Male Initiation

— Kenneth D. Newman. New York: C. G. Jung Foundation. Quadrant Monograph. 1983. Reviewed by Jonathan J. Goldberg.

Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism

— Kurt Rudolph. Translation edited by Robert McLachlan Wilson. San Francisco: Harper & Row Publishers. 1983. Reviewed by Richard W. Thurn.

The Archetypal Cat

— Patricia Dale-Green. Dallas, Texas: Spring Publications, Inc. 1983. Reviewed by Angelyn Spignesi.

Masochism: A Jungian View

— Lyn Cowan. Dallas: Spring Publications, Inc. 1982. Reviewed by Warren Steinberg.

The Psychology of Déjà Vu

— Vernon M. Neppe. Johannesburg: Witwotersrend University Press. 1983. Reviewed by Arthur T. Funkhouser.