Quadrant: The Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation

Fear of the Feminine — Erich Neumann
The essence and formation of fear can be grasped only when we understand the importance of the primal relationship to the mother in the entire range of its implications. During the first year of life, what we will call the “embryonic year,” the child lives psychologically “in” the mother, as it did physically before its birth. The interpersonal relationship with the mother — and the collective to which she belongs — have an essential psychic and cultural influence which overrides the biological factor. The child, “contained” in the mother even after its birth, is totally dependent on her positive elementary character. Only after the first year can the infant begin to have relative ego stability, freedom of movement, intelligence, etc. and thus a certain independence. …
Anger As Inner Transformation — Stephen A. Martin
The importance of anger for the psyche, especially as a fearful experience capable of destroying the forward movement of life, is no new discovery. The Latin scholars and poets Seneca and Plutarch wrote extensively on anger. In more recent times, Averill reports that about 90 years ago the eminent American psychologist G. S. Hall collated from his research on emotion some 2200 descriptions of angry states. Today the various schools of psychology are busy dissecting anger and counseling how to deal with it, how to get rid of it, and how to use it. Given that anger is a basic, human experience, it is time for a Jungian assessment and an appreciation of anger's vital role in the process of inner transformation called individuation. …
The Healing Nightmare: A Study of the War Dreams of Vietnam Combat Veterans — Harry A. Wilmer
It seems to most of us that Vietnam was a long time ago, that it is past history. It is not. It still lives in the nightmares of combat veterans and the collective unconscious of us all. It is an illusion to declare that the Vietnam Syndrome is over. Denial never killed anything. …
Book Reviews
The Analytic Encounter: Transference and Human Relationships— Mario Jacoby. Toronto: Inner City Books. 1984. Reviewed by Donald E. Kalsched.
Feminist Archetypal Theory: Interdisciplinary Revisions of Jungian Thought. Edited, with an introduction and a theoretical conclusion by Estella Lauter and Carol Rupprecht. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press. 1985. Reviewed by Patricia Finley.
Brain and Psyche: The Biology of the Unconscious— Jonathan Winson. New York: Anchor Press/Doubleday. 1985. Reviewed by Sherry L. Salman.
The Psychology of C. G. Jung, Vol. I: The Unconscious in its Empirical Manifestations; With Special Reference to the Word Association Experiments of C. G. Jung— C. A. Meier. Translated by Eugene Rolfe. Boston: Sigo Press. 1984. Reviewed by Alan M. Jones.
The Kabbala— Dr. Erich Bischoff. York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1985. Reviewed by Barbara Koltuv.
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