Jung and Picasso
—James Wyly
When Pablo Picasso’s work was exhibited a the Zürich Kunsthaus from September 11 to October 30, 1932, a reporter from the Neue Zürcher Zeitung asked Carl Gustav Jung to comment on it as a psychiatrist. His article appeared on November 13 of that year. In his commentary, Jung made a number of provocative remarks, both about the paintings he saw and about Picasso’s possible future psychological development, basing his comments on the kind of psychological reading he employed with the paintings his patients frequently made in the courses of their analyses. At that time, much of what Jung said was conjecture. But now that the facts of Picasso’s entire career are history, it is possible to reexamine Jung’s remarks and to base upon them some psychological meditations concerning Picasso’s later life and work. …
The Fear of Success
—Warren Steinberg
Success is measured in many ways. For some people, success is related to such external matters as the fulfillment of a long-term career goal — reaching a high position in a company, for example — or the satisfactory completion of a thesis. For others, success means a rewarding personal life: a fulfilling relationship, well-adjusted children, or a good sex life may all contribute to the feeling of success. …
In these examples, a feeling of success is experienced when a person uses his or her abilities to move an issue towards a favorable conclusion. The feeling is a mixture of potency, independence, separateness and positive self-esteem. Wanting to feel successful, people generally try to achieve what they consciously set as a goal.
People who are afraid of success, however, have a negative reaction when they realize they have contributed positively to the achievement of their goals. Their accomplishments, far from increasing their self-esteem, bring on depression and anxiety. …
The Absence of Black Americans as Jungian Analysts
—Polly Young-Eisendrath
The absence of black Jungians has been a remarkable fact in my experience with Jungian groups since I first became associated with our organizations in 1973. As a Jungian analyst, I am saddened that my professional and personal exchanges with Jungians generally exclude black peoples who are (and have been) a substantial and influential presence in my life. …
This paper does not answer the question of why or how black Americans are absent from our professional groups. Indeed I believe that such a question is fundamentally unanswerable. Rather I have sought to organize some psychological ideas that I have amassed in puzzling over the absence of black peoples among American Jungian organizations, especially the formal training programs for Jungian analysts. …
The Disliked Patient
—Barbara Stevens Sullivan
What happens when a therapist or analyst finds himself unable to like a patient? The “liking factor” in the analytic situation is not amenable to control. One can position oneself in such a way as to invite liking to emerge from one’s psyche but, like the sun and the rain, it either comes or it doesn’t. …
Book Reviews
The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead
—Stephan A. Hoeller. Wheaton, Illinois: The Theosophical Publishing House. 1982. Reviewed by Eugene Monick.
The Father: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives. Edited and with an Introduction by Andrew Samuels. London: Free Association Books. 1985. Reviewed by Jeffrey B. Satinover.
On the Way to the Wedding: Transforming the Love Relationship
—Linda Schierse Leonard. Boston and London: Shambhala Publications, Inc. 1986. Reviewed by Caroline T. Stevens.
The Differing Uses of Symbolic and Clinical Approaches in Practice and Theory: Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress for Analytical Psychology, Jerusalem, 1983<i
—Luigi Zoja and Robert Hinshaw, Editors. Zürich: Daimon Verlag. 1986. Reviewed by Gertrud B. Ujhely.
God Desired and Desiring
—Juan Ramón Jiménez. Translated by Antonio T. de Nocolás. New York: Paragon House Publishers. 1987. Reviewed by Carol Savitz.
Soul and Body: Essays on the Theories of C. G. Jung
—C. A. Meier. San Francisco: The Lapis Press. 1986. Reviewed by Robin E. van Löben Sels.