From the Editors…
— Robin van Löben Sels and V. Walter Odajnyk
Apricots and Beans: Cooking Up Food For The Soul
— Meredith Sabini
The psyche occasionally tells us about itself, and those of us who observe and record the panorama of the interior life may be granted glimpses of this mysterious Other with which we live. One particular dream of mine, set in a library of reference books whose symbols of food fell off the page for eating, offered just such a glimpse of how images are stored, measured out and then prepared for human use. Since its content is not especially private, I would like to put it on the communal table for general consumption. It took place in 1986, at a time when I had recently begun a second analysis and had accumulated almost twenty years experience with dreams …
Papers from the First International Conference of Jungian Psychology and Chinese Culture, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China December 16-20, 1998: Keynote Address
— John Beebe
It seems to be traditional that pilgrims from the West who think that they have something to impart land in Guangzhou. I need only mention the very first, Bodhidharma, who came in 527 ADE. Then there is also the legend, in this city, of the five gods, really the five Celestial Beings that rode to the city on five goats, each with an ear of grain in its mouth. Once the Celestial Beings assured that the city of Guangzhou would have no more famine by presenting the grain to the Cantonese, they flew away and the goats turned to stone. Now, when I fly away, the words that I have spoken to you today can be turned to stone. We can have a written paper, something that people can read, which perhaps will go on tablets some day. But today, speaking from the heart without a prepared text, I want to tell you something about the goats that brought me here. …
Papers from the First International Conference of Jungian Psychology and Chinese Culture, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China December 16-20, 1998: The Metaphor of Light and Renewal in Taoist Alchemy and Jungian Analysis
— Stanton Marlan
The metaphor of light is fundamentally intertwined with the history of Eastern and Western consciousness. It is nearly inconceivable to “envision” a way of thinking that doesn’t rely on this metaphor. As a result, from the most common jargon of communication to the most rarified intellectual pursuits, the metaphors of light and vision appear to be essential factors of consciousness. In many of the world’s languages, myths, sciences, philosophies and religions, we find abundant confirmation of this view …
Use of the I Ching in the Analytic Setting
— Dennis Merritt
For many Westerners an introduction to Chinese culture comes through the use of the I Ching. This profound book, a compendium of wisdom extending back to the roots of one of the planet’s oldest cultures, has become an important companion for many in the West, including myself. Use of the I Ching may challenge the reigning scientific paradigms in Western culture and so bring a dimension to the Jungian psychoanalytic process which is sympathetic to the deepest and truest spirit of Jungian psychology. …
Reader Letters
Responses to Janet O. Dallett’s article “Silence Where No Sound May Be: The Dormouse Complex in Ethics Cases” (Quadrant, Summer, 2000)
Book Reviews
— Joseph P. Wagenseller
Review Essay: Mythology and Analysis: Jung and Others
— Joseph P. Wagenseller
The Politics of Myth: A Study of C. G. Jung, Mircea Eliade and Joseph Campbell
— Robert Ellwood. State University of New York Press, Albany, New York. 1999.
Jung on Mythology
— Robert A.Segal, (ed.), London, Routledge; Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press. 1998.