From The Editors — V. Walter Odajnyk and
Robin van Löben Sels
The Winter 2003 issue of Quadrant is dedicated to an exploration of the relationship between analytical psychology and colonialism. One consequence of the shock and tragedy of September 11 is the impetus given to self-examination and reflection on our part about how non-Western cultures perceive and experience our economic, political, and cultural hegemony. The first three essays are a contribution to this form of self-reflection.
The fourth essay addresses the mysterious interplay between “three” and “four.” The author examines the movement from three to four in theology, psychology, and philosophy. …
Depth Psychology and Colonialism: Individuation, Seeing Through, and Liberation — Helene Schulman Lorenz and Mary Watkins
In 1925, at the age of fifty, Jung visited the Taos Pueblo in New Mexico. According to Jung (1961), Ochwiay Biano, the chief, shared that his Pueblo people felt whites were “mad,” “uneasy and restless,” always wanting something. Jung inquired further about why he thought they were mad. The chief replied that white people say they think with their heads — a sign of illness in his tribe. “Why of course,” said Jung, “what do you think with?” Ochwiay Biano indicated his heart. …
Cultural Property and the Dilemma of the Collective Unconscious
— Sharn Waldron
We were spending some time waiting for the movie to begin and wandered across to the Sports Bar for a quiet drink and a chance to talk.
He was about forty, very aboriginal and somewhat inebriated. He came across the floor and began to talk to us. I think he was also very lonely. He told us he came from Goondiwindi and my husband asked him what he was doing so far from home. He said he had come to Bathurst to attend court, and tomorrow he would be going to prison because he had broken bail. My husband asked him about his people and he started to talk about them, particularly about his mother, the bond between them, how much he loved her and the way she could “see” things. He also had the ability to “see” things, and his mother often visited him …
The Power of Pilgrimage: Re-discovering Soul, Self, and Spirit in South America
— Jeffrey W. Hull
Jung’s concept of synchronicity has always puzzled me. The idea that a seemingly random or coincidental event in the outer world could hold significant meaning for the growth and development of a particular person at a particular moment in time, without intervention by the all-knowing, all-controlling ego of that person, strikes me as a paradox. Who creates the synchronistic event, my ego consciousness as definer of meaning, or a mysterious external force that appears to offer me guidance just when I need it most? Perhaps the answer will remain a mystery, yet one thing is clear: in the chain of events that led up to and included my recent trip to Peru, I experienced synchronicity in a way that would do Jung proud. …
From Three to Four: The Influence of the Number Archetype on our Epistemological Foundations — Lance Storm
In regard to the problem of three and four, the Jungian scholar Marie-Louise von Franz once wrote: “It becomes evident that a psychological problem of considerable importance is constellated between the numbers three and four.” She noted that Jung had dealt time and time again with this problem in his writings. Jung also discussed the use of numbers in divination and other systems designed to establish order in a chaotic world. He went to considerable effort in his attempt to put forward the message that numbers give a certain kind of order to processes in and of the psyche. Underlying this process was the number archetype — an inherited mode of apprehension in our species that dictates the way we construct the world by ‘enumerating’ its contents. Archetypes generally refer to patterns of behavior where the instincts, for example, are given to follow certain predisposed forms of expression predetermined by these archetypes. The number archetype, therefore, forms a ground plan or blueprint of the psychic structure. The psyche, then, insofar as it has an underlying archetypal structure, is a preformed organ, the sine qua non of human functioning. …
Book Reviews — Matthew J. Greco, Book Review Editor
The Father: Historical, Psychological and Cultural Perspectives
— Luigi Zola. Reviewed by Cynthia Dillon.
Attacked by Poison Ivy: A Psychological Understanding
— Ann Belford Ulanov. Reviewed by Rachel Miller Braninon.
Jung and the Postmodern: The Interpretation of Realities
— Christopher Hauke. Reviewed by Jeffrey Rubin, Ph.D.