Gebser’s Mutations of Consciousness Meets Jung’s Process of Individuation

Fall II

Fall II: 7- week course held in-person only at the Jung Center, 28 East 39th Street, NYC.

Echoes of C.G. Jung in Jean Gebser’s Explorations of Consciousness:
Gebser’s Mutations of Consciousness Meets Jung’s Process of Individuation

7 consecutive Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm ET   (excluding November 23rd)

Beginning October 26, 2023
Instructor: Bob Piller, JD
This course will be held at the C.G. Jung Center, 28 East 39th Street, NYC.

In-person ONLY.  This course is not offered for NYS CE contact hours.

In this seminar, we will explore the echoes of C.G. Jung in the structures of consciousness and emerging arational-integral consciousness of Jean Gebser, a contemporary and friend of Jung’s, and scholar of the evolution of consciousness.  To introduce and experience the lived philosophy of Gebser, we will delve into the dynamics of awareness by focusing on each of the “historic” structures of consciousness presented in Gebser’s magnum opus, The Ever-Present Origin.

Emphasis will be placed on direct experience of Gebser’s structures of consciousness as the foundation for the emergence Gebser’s formulation of integral consciousness. The course will introduce Gebser’s contributions and genius and consider how Gebser synchronizes, diverts, and at times takes different paths than Jung in exploring consciousness and transformation.  To better comprehend the possibilities of Gebserian thought, weekly exercises will allow direct experience of the images and presence of Gebser’s structures of consciousness and understanding of time. 


The Ever-Present Origin, Jean Gebser, [Part One, 1949. Part Two, 1953, English Translation by Noel Barstad with Algis Mickunas, 1985] Ohio University Press

Seeing Through the World: Jean Gebser and Integral Consciousness, Jeremy Johnson, 2019, Revelore Press

A Resource to Know About:

Structures of Consciousness: The Genius of Jean Gebser – An Introduction and Critique, Georg Feuerstein, 1987, Lower Lake : Integral Publishing [Very good but expensive and out of print.]

Learning Objectives: On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Grasp consciousness through a lens that visualizes and internalizes Gebser’s “historic” structures of
  2. Identify differences and similarities between Gebser’s integrative model of consciousness and Jung’s dualistic model of
  3. Use Gebser’s structures of consciousness as a tool set for intensification of your own
  4. Summarize how the Jungian resolution of opposites and the Gebserian concept of co-presence inform your sense of soul, self, and the unfolding of wholeness.


Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.

PAY ONLINE: YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD.


The Jung and Gebser 7-week course is $245 for the general public and $210 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration. Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$245 General Public

$210 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Mary Apikos, MA, taught at Parsons School of Design NYC for 17 years. She taught inter-disciplinary courses about aspects of design culture that fell through the cracks to people who fell through the cracks. She is ABD in Cultural Anthropology from CUNY Graduate Center and has worked as an ethnographic textile conservator at the Museum of the American Indian, George Heye Foundation NYC and in private practice where she specialized in the care of sacred materials. In 2022 Mary completed a one-year remote applied arts program at the Centre for Applied Jungian Studies in South Africa. She is a working artist and currently resides in Chicago. Her work can be seen on her website

Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Bob Piller, JD, is a retired public interest lawyer with a lifelong interest in the study of the alchemical and esoteric works of Carl Jung, those who influenced Jung, and others who were influenced by him.   Since 2016, he delved deeply into Jungian inspired literature and Jean Gebser’s explorations of consciousness.  Inspired by the significance of Gebser’s genius and contributions, he designed and led a seminar program on Gebserian consciousness and its important and coherent relationship with Jung’s understanding of soul and access to the unconscious.  In 2023, he designed and led a seminar program that focused the unity of the physical body and consciousness in the context of Gebserian consciousness, and how integral consciousness impacts freedom and morality.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. In private practice, he works with people from the US and many other countries.

Maria Taveras, LCSW, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  She is also an award-winning creator of Dream Art.  She creates art from images in her own dreams and is the recipient of two Gradiva Awards from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for her Dream Art.  Her Dream Art has been exhibited in New York, San Francisco, Berkeley, London, Montreal, and Cape Town.



With the exception of the course on Jung and Gebser, these are online courses, given through the program Zoom. Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

The Jung and Gebser course is given in-person only at the Jung Center, 28 East 39th Street, NYC.


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at
The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.  These programs will not be recorded.

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Web address:
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Follow us



Fairy Tales as Cultural Discourse

Fall II
Fairy Tales as Cultural Discourse

5 Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm, Eastern Time, USA via Zoom 

November 9 – December 14 (excluding November 23)
Instructor: Mary Apikos

This course is not offered for NYS CE contact hours.

Over the course of five weeks students will be given an in-depth overview of some of the most essential genres in the oral to written story telling tradition.  By understanding the historical and cultural context that a story is told in, we will see how stories evolve to interact with other forces that impact our lives. Whether you are a musician, visual artist, writer or a person who wants to experience art in a more informed way, you will learn how your story is connected to multi-cultural folklore and literary fairytales.

Using a Jungian arts-based research approach, we will start with origin stories and Mother Goose; followed by dilemma stories that have enigmatic endings; cautionary tales and The Brother’s Grimm; the doppleganger motif and Jung’s concept of anima/animus; then finally we conclude with a session on instructive stories that explore mending, hope, and joy.  This is a multi-disciplinary course using music, film clips, art historical and literary references. Readings of both folklore and fairytales as well as scholarly texts are provided for our discussions, but not required, as all resources will be discussed during my presentation.

Learning Objectives: On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Develop an understanding of Folklore & Fairy Tale typology and their multi-cultural variations using Stith-Thompson Motif Index
  2. Interpret symbols found in specific Folklore & Fairy Tales using resources provided on bibliography.
  3. Develop an understanding of key concepts used in Jungian Arts-Based Research
  4. Apply course materials to the making of personal creative works.
  5. Increase understanding of the historical context from which stories emerge and change.

Class sessions:

  1. Origin Stories, Personal Story Maps, Mother Goose
  2. Dilemma Stories, Enigmatic Endings
  3. Cautionary Tales, Nationalism & The Brother’s Grimm
  4. Doppelganger Stories, Jungian Shadow
  5. Ambiguous Loss, Reclamation of Joy


Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.

PAY ONLINE: YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD.


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration. Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Mary Apikos, MA, taught at Parsons School of Design NYC for 17 years. She taught inter-disciplinary courses about aspects of design culture that fell through the cracks to people who fell through the cracks. She is ABD in Cultural Anthropology from CUNY Graduate Center and has worked as an ethnographic textile conservator at the Museum of the American Indian, George Heye Foundation NYC and in private practice where she specialized in the care of sacred materials. In 2022 Mary completed a one-year remote applied arts program at the Centre for Applied Jungian Studies in South Africa. She is a working artist and currently resides in Chicago. Her work can be seen on her website

Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Bob Piller, JD, is a retired public interest lawyer with a lifelong interest in the study of the alchemical and esoteric works of Carl Jung, those who influenced Jung, and others who were influenced by him.   Since 2016, he delved deeply into Jungian inspired literature and Jean Gebser’s explorations of consciousness.  Inspired by the significance of Gebser’s genius and contributions, he designed and led a seminar program on Gebserian consciousness and its important and coherent relationship with Jung’s understanding of soul and access to the unconscious.  In 2023, he designed and led a seminar program that focused the unity of the physical body and consciousness in the context of Gebserian consciousness, and how integral consciousness impacts freedom and morality.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. In private practice, he works with people from the US and many other countries.

Maria Taveras, LCSW, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  She is also an award-winning creator of Dream Art.  She creates art from images in her own dreams and is the recipient of two Gradiva Awards from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for her Dream Art.  Her Dream Art has been exhibited in New York, San Francisco, Berkeley, London, Montreal, and Cape Town.



With the exception of the course on Jung and Gebser, these are online courses, given through the program Zoom. Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

The Jung and Gebser course is given in-person only at the Jung Center, 28 East 39th Street, NYC.


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at
The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.  These programs will not be recorded.

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Web address:
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Jungian Readings: Big Ideas from Small Books

Fall II
Jungian Readings: Big Ideas from Small Books
5 consecutive Mondays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm Eastern Time, USA,
online only via Zoom.      

Beginning November 6, 2023
Instructor: David Rottman, MA 

This course is not offered for NYS CE contact hours.

Some of the most useful applications of Jung’s ideas can be found in short books, and in single chapters in other books, where we come away with wonderful insights and memorable anecdotes and stories. In this course, we will read some of those works together and discuss the ideas and feelings they evoke.

  1. The Psychology of a Fairy Tale by David Hart. In this short pamphlet, beautifully written, we get a profound discussion of the role of evil and opposition in our lives. As the author shows, if met consciously these forces can lead to growth and enrich life. This particular fairy tale was at the center of David Hart’s whole life and after reading his interpretation, we can see why.
  2. The Psychological Meaning of Redemption Motifs in Fairytales by Marie-Louise Von Franz. In reviewing this book, our first author David Hart said it is “A very practical book on dealing with personal complexes.” With fairytales as her illustrating material, Marie-Louse Von Franz talks of the curse of unconsciousness that blights so many lives, and how the curse is lifted. We will discuss the crucial topic of generational or “family” curses.
  3. The Inner World of Childhood by Frances Wickes, Chapter 3, Three Illustrations of the Power of a Projected Image. With extraordinary understanding and great compassion, Frances Wickes “opens the door to the inner citadel of the psyche” and takes us into the role of the unlived life of the parents in the life of the child. Here is also is the memorable story of how a change in attitude of a parent can travel instantly across thousands of miles to a child--illustrating how interrelated psyches can influence each other even at a distance. (We’ll discuss the psychological equivalents of Einstein’s description of quantum physics as “spooky action at a distance.”)
  4. The Dialogue of a World-Weary Man with his Ba by Helmuth Jacobson (this will be a handout provided for class members). We will use a second text for comparison: The Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. (Class members can read any Standard Version)

Although we think of ourselves as modern, it is astonishing that in a 4000 year old document (The Dialogue of a World Weary Man) and a 2400 year old text (Ecclesiastes) we hear of emotions, conflicts, and resolutions that are as current as anything in our most current literature. Both texts ask: What is the point of it all? How do we deal with the limitations of human beings in social settings? How do we find peace within?

  1. The Career as a Path to the Soul by David Rottman, Chapter Two, “I’ve Grokked that I’m a Force Field.” (This chapter has a subtitle: “How rage is a creative act that is blocked.”) In this chapter, we watch as someone who thinks of himself as a good person--with good reason--nevertheless learns how his out-of-control frustration and anger at a dismissive boss are the fateful opportunity to raise his awareness of himself and life. We will discuss the variety of fateful events that can set us out on the individuation process.

Our goal in reading these short works will be to discover helpful stories and ideas from Jungian writers who have made Jung’s ideas accessible, and applicable to our lives.


Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.

PAY ONLINE: YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD.


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration. Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Mary Apikos, MA, taught at Parsons School of Design NYC for 17 years. She taught inter-disciplinary courses about aspects of design culture that fell through the cracks to people who fell through the cracks. She is ABD in Cultural Anthropology from CUNY Graduate Center and has worked as an ethnographic textile conservator at the Museum of the American Indian, George Heye Foundation NYC and in private practice where she specialized in the care of sacred materials. In 2022 Mary completed a one-year remote applied arts program at the Centre for Applied Jungian Studies in South Africa. She is a working artist and currently resides in Chicago. Her work can be seen on her website

Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years. He has published papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Bob Piller, JD, is a retired public interest lawyer with a lifelong interest in the study of the alchemical and esoteric works of Carl Jung, those who influenced Jung, and others who were influenced by him.   Since 2016, he delved deeply into Jungian inspired literature and Jean Gebser’s explorations of consciousness.  Inspired by the significance of Gebser’s genius and contributions, he designed and led a seminar program on Gebserian consciousness and its important and coherent relationship with Jung’s understanding of soul and access to the unconscious.  In 2023, he designed and led a seminar program that focused the unity of the physical body and consciousness in the context of Gebserian consciousness, and how integral consciousness impacts freedom and morality.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. In private practice, he works with people from the US and many other countries.

Maria Taveras, LCSW, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  She is also an award-winning creator of Dream Art.  She creates art from images in her own dreams and is the recipient of two Gradiva Awards from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for her Dream Art.  Her Dream Art has been exhibited in New York, San Francisco, Berkeley, London, Montreal, and Cape Town.



With the exception of the course on Jung and Gebser, these are online courses, given through the program Zoom. Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

The Jung and Gebser course is given in-person only at the Jung Center, 28 East 39th Street, NYC.


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at
The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.  These programs will not be recorded.

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Web address:
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Jungian Dream Interpretation

Fall I

Jungian Dream Interpretation

5 consecutive Fridays, 6:00-7:30 pm Eastern Time, USA via Zoom.

Beginning October 6
Instructor: Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

A dream uses an imagistic language we can decipher. This language is universal, the same as used in myths from stone-age cultures. A dream shows us the next possible step in our developing personality. It warns us if we are going astray, encourages us if we need it, or offers penetrating insights into our confusion. We work together as a team and have fun. We confirm or disconfirm each interpretation with experimental evidence. We will not work with class members’ dreams. Please bring a dream, with permission, from a family member or friend.

Please look at the suggested readings at this address in advance of the start of this class:

Learning Objectives:

On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between associations, explanations, and amplifications to a dream image.
  2. Distinguish between Freud's and Jung's use of associations to dream images.
  3. Identify which part of a dream gives the current psychological situation.
  4. Recognize the dream's setting and its importance.
  5. Practice using both logic and imagination in dream analysis.
  6. Identify some physiological reactions of the dreamer which demonstrate a useful interpretation.
  7. Describe the relationship between a dream and the dreamer's psychological progress.
  8. Recognize when a dream may (or may not) be helpful in clinical work.
  9. Recognize what Jung meant by a "true symbol."


Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.

PAY ONLINE: YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD.


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration. Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Mary Apikos, MA, taught at Parsons School of Design NYC for 17 years. She taught inter-disciplinary courses about aspects of design culture that fell through the cracks to people who fell through the cracks. She is ABD in Cultural Anthropology from CUNY Graduate Center and has worked as an ethnographic textile conservator at the Museum of the American Indian, George Heye Foundation NYC and in private practice where she specialized in the care of sacred materials. In 2022 Mary completed a one-year remote applied arts program at the Centre for Applied Jungian Studies in South Africa. She is a working artist and currently resides in Chicago. Her work can be seen on her website

Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Bob Piller, JD, is a retired public interest lawyer with a lifelong interest in the study of the alchemical and esoteric works of Carl Jung, those who influenced Jung, and others who were influenced by him.   Since 2016, he delved deeply into Jungian inspired literature and Jean Gebser’s explorations of consciousness.  Inspired by the significance of Gebser’s genius and contributions, he designed and led a seminar program on Gebserian consciousness and its important and coherent relationship with Jung’s understanding of soul and access to the unconscious.  In 2023, he designed and led a seminar program that focused the unity of the physical body and consciousness in the context of Gebserian consciousness, and how integral consciousness impacts freedom and morality.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. In private practice, he works with people from the US and many other countries.

Maria Taveras, LCSW, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  She is also an award-winning creator of Dream Art.  She creates art from images in her own dreams and is the recipient of two Gradiva Awards from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for her Dream Art.  Her Dream Art has been exhibited in New York, San Francisco, Berkeley, London, Montreal, and Cape Town.



With the exception of the course on Jung and Gebser, these are online courses, given through the program Zoom. Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

The Jung and Gebser course is given in-person only at the Jung Center, 28 East 39th Street, NYC.


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at
The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.  These programs will not be recorded.

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Web address:
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Follow us



A Visionary’s Imagination: C.G. Jung: Art, Active Imagination and the Creative Process

A Visionary’s Imagination: C.G. Jung: Art, Active Imagination and the Creative Process

5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:00 – 7:30 pm Eastern Time, USA via Zoom
Beginning October 4
Instructor: Maria Taveras, LCSW

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

This course will contrast the Freudian aesthetic based on free association with a Jungian aesthetic based on active imagination.

Active imagination is perhaps the most radical innovation of Jungian psychology.  In contrast to free association, which is a passive process, active imagination is a process in which the ego actively evokes images from the unconscious and actively engages those images.  Whereas free association is an interior monologue (a dictation from the unconscious to the ego), active imagination is an interior dialogue (a conversation between the ego and the unconscious).

The most famous example of the Freudian aesthetic is surrealism.  “Surrealism,” Andre Breton says, “is based on the belief in the superior reality of repressed associations.”  It was possible for the surrealists to articulate a Freudian aesthetic because Freud’s writings on free association were available in the first quarter of the twentieth century.  In contrast, Jung’s writings on active imagination were unavailable at that time.  The Transcendent Function, although written in 1916, was not published until 1957; Memories, Dreams, Reflections was not published until 1961, and The Red Book was not published until 2009.

Jung was influenced by visual art works as a young man and by his encounter and relationship to Modern Art.  “At one time I took a great interest in art. I painted myself, sculpted and did wood carving. I have a certain sense of color.  When modern art came on the scene, it presented a great psychological problem for me.  I wrote about Picasso and Joyce.  I recognized there something which is very unpopular, namely the very thing which confronts me in my patients.”

Thus, it seems as though the individual psyche expresses itself in relation to the emotional experiences of the ego and/or a priori, the ego in relationship to the archetype. The particular visual forms of expression have their own personality (language, mannerisms and personal characteristics) unique to the autonomous psyche.  The Art of the personality is its expression in thoughts, ideas, emotions, behaviors, instincts, and the senses.

The creative dialogue between the ego and the unconscious and archetypal is an important factor in the creative process since the affect laden ego mixes with the archetypal unconscious to create the artistic product. By creating art out of their own active imagination, dreams, visions, images, dance, or writings, participants will directly embody the relation between art and psyche and then have an opportunity to share with other participants their uniquely personal experience of the creative process.

Learning Objectives:

On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Discuss the practical, clinical value of the theoretical difference between Freud’s technique of free association and Jung’s method of active imagination.
  2. Explain clinically how to apply Jung’s method of internal dialogue between the ego and images that emerge spontaneously, autonomously, and purposively from the unconscious to enable clients to experience their psyche
  3. Develop a general knowledge of Jung’s relationship with his imagination.
  4. Describe the difference between being an “Artist” and the Artist within.
  5. Learn how to employ Jung’s method of Active Imagination in order to induce in clients an altered state of consciousness so that they can access the archetype of creativity within the unconscious.


Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.

PAY ONLINE: YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD.


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration. Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Mary Apikos, MA, taught at Parsons School of Design NYC for 17 years. She taught inter-disciplinary courses about aspects of design culture that fell through the cracks to people who fell through the cracks. She is ABD in Cultural Anthropology from CUNY Graduate Center and has worked as an ethnographic textile conservator at the Museum of the American Indian, George Heye Foundation NYC and in private practice where she specialized in the care of sacred materials. In 2022 Mary completed a one-year remote applied arts program at the Centre for Applied Jungian Studies in South Africa. She is a working artist and currently resides in Chicago. Her work can be seen on her website

Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Bob Piller, JD, is a retired public interest lawyer with a lifelong interest in the study of the alchemical and esoteric works of Carl Jung, those who influenced Jung, and others who were influenced by him.   Since 2016, he delved deeply into Jungian inspired literature and Jean Gebser’s explorations of consciousness.  Inspired by the significance of Gebser’s genius and contributions, he designed and led a seminar program on Gebserian consciousness and its important and coherent relationship with Jung’s understanding of soul and access to the unconscious.  In 2023, he designed and led a seminar program that focused the unity of the physical body and consciousness in the context of Gebserian consciousness, and how integral consciousness impacts freedom and morality.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. In private practice, he works with people from the US and many other countries.

Maria Taveras, LCSW, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  She is also an award-winning creator of Dream Art.  She creates art from images in her own dreams and is the recipient of two Gradiva Awards from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis for her Dream Art.  Her Dream Art has been exhibited in New York, San Francisco, Berkeley, London, Montreal, and Cape Town.



With the exception of the course on Jung and Gebser, these are online courses, given through the program Zoom. Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

The Jung and Gebser course is given in-person only at the Jung Center, 28 East 39th Street, NYC.


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at
The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.  These programs will not be recorded.

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Web address:
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Attachment and Emotional Regulation in Religion and Spirituality

April 10–May 8, 2023
Eastern Time, USA, online only via Zoom.
Instructor: Cynthia Poorbaugh MFA, LP

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

In her 2018 book, Jung’s Studies in Astrology, the astrologer and Jungian analyst, Liz Greene wrote that Jung expressed an understanding “that planetary configurations—the ‘planetary gods’ in relation to each other—symbolize unconscious complexes, which are expressed imaginally through the mythic narratives that portray in symbolic form the structure and teleology of the complex.” (p. 26) In this class we will look at the symbolic layers of the astrological chart with complexes as our focus.

The popular, and often the clinical use of the term ‘complexed’ refers to a state in which ego consciousness is subsumed by a kind of sub-personality, or ‘splinter psyche’, as Jung observed early in his studies. But Jung also stressed that complexes are “characteristic expressions of the psyche” and the “normal phenomena of life.” (Vol. 8) We will examine how the natal chart reveals the archetypal structure of our psyches and also indicates ways that certain configurations can “constellate” as complexes.

This course will endeavor to reveal some valuable psychological insights that astrology illuminates — insights into Jung’s theoretical ideas, as well as into the direct experience of being ‘possessed’ by a complex. We will use sample charts to explore Greene’s point—crucial to a psychological perspective— that, “complexes, like planetary fate, are negotiable in their level of expression if not in their essence.” (Ibid, p. 28) We will be looking at the planets, signs and aspects through the lens of complexes, but it will be helpful to know the basic astrological meanings prior to the class, and to have this book on hand: Clare Martin’s Mapping the Psyche: An Introduction to Psychological Astrology, Volumes 1 and 2.



Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. To discuss Jung’s theory of complexes and their relationship to the archetypal structure of the psyche using astrology.
  2. To describe ways that astrology illuminates both psychic structure and potentials for expression.
  3. To strengthen archetypal discernment.
  4. To demonstrate an understanding of the astrological underpinnings of Jung’s thought.

Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published numerous papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Cynthia Poorbaugh MFA, LP is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York, and Cold Spring, NY. She is a faculty member and supervisor for the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association, and a member of  the IAAP and IJAS. She has presented papers at psychoanalytic training colloquia and international conferences. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the C.G. Jung Foundation, and teaches for the Foundation’s Continuing Education program. Her area of interest in teaching, writing and research is the relationship between Jung’s archetypal theory and astrology, and how astrology illuminates key facets of Jung’s theory and the symbolic attitude.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. He has a private practice in New York City.   

David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA, is a Jungian trained analyst in private practice in NYC. He is a graduate of Columbia University. He is an award-winning educator, award-winning designer, and has, for over 25 years, shared his ideas and insights through writing, teaching, presentations, and workshops domestically and internationally. He was a Fellow at the prestigious United States National Academy of Science and a Visiting Scholar at the Library of Congress, both in Washington DC. David has been on the faculty of NYU since 2003 and, as a service to our country, has evaluated tens of millions of grant applications for the U.S. Government. For more information visit

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Web address:
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Follow us



Jung’s Theory of Complexes: An Astrological Approach

5 Mondays, 6:00 — 7:30pm
Eastern Time, USA, online only via Zoom

Beginning April 10, 2023
Instructor: Cynthia Poorbaugh MFA, LP

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

In her 2018 book, Jung’s Studies in Astrology, the astrologer and Jungian analyst, Liz Greene wrote that Jung expressed an understanding “that planetary configurations—the ‘planetary gods’ in relation to each other—symbolize unconscious complexes, which are expressed imaginally through the mythic narratives that portray in symbolic form the structure and teleology of the complex.” (p. 26) In this class we will look at the symbolic layers of the astrological chart with complexes as our focus.

The popular, and often the clinical use of the term ‘complexed’ refers to a state in which ego consciousness is subsumed by a kind of sub-personality, or ‘splinter psyche’, as Jung observed early in his studies. But Jung also stressed that complexes are “characteristic expressions of the psyche” and the “normal phenomena of life.” (Vol. 8) We will examine how the natal chart reveals the archetypal structure of our psyches and also indicates ways that certain configurations can “constellate” as complexes.

This course will endeavor to reveal some valuable psychological insights that astrology illuminates — insights into Jung’s theoretical ideas, as well as into the direct experience of being ‘possessed’ by a complex. We will use sample charts to explore Greene’s point—crucial to a psychological perspective— that, “complexes, like planetary fate, are negotiable in their level of expression if not in their essence.” (Ibid, p. 28) We will be looking at the planets, signs and aspects through the lens of complexes, but it will be helpful to know the basic astrological meanings prior to the class, and to have this book on hand: Clare Martin’s Mapping the Psyche: An Introduction to Psychological Astrology, Volumes 1 and 2.



Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. To discuss Jung’s theory of complexes and their relationship to the archetypal structure of the psyche using astrology.
  2. To describe ways that astrology illuminates both psychic structure and potentials for expression.
  3. To strengthen archetypal discernment.
  4. To demonstrate an understanding of the astrological underpinnings of Jung’s thought.

Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Cynthia Poorbaugh MFA, LP is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York, and Cold Spring, NY. She is a faculty member and supervisor for the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association, and a member of  the IAAP and IJAS. She has presented papers at psychoanalytic training colloquia and international conferences. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the C.G. Jung Foundation, and teaches for the Foundation’s Continuing Education program. Her area of interest in teaching, writing and research is the relationship between Jung’s archetypal theory and astrology, and how astrology illuminates key facets of Jung’s theory and the symbolic attitude.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. He has a private practice in New York City.   

David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA, is a Jungian trained analyst in private practice in NYC. He is a graduate of Columbia University. He is an award-winning educator, award-winning designer, and has, for over 25 years, shared his ideas and insights through writing, teaching, presentations, and workshops domestically and internationally. He was a Fellow at the prestigious United States National Academy of Science and a Visiting Scholar at the Library of Congress, both in Washington DC. David has been on the faculty of NYU since 2003 and, as a service to our country, has evaluated tens of millions of grant applications for the U.S. Government. For more information visit

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Web address:
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Follow us



Attachment and Emotional Regulation in Religion and Spirituality

5 consecutive Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Eastern Time, USA, online only via Zoom. 

Beginning April 13, 2023
Instructor: David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

The influence and connection between our childhood attachment relationships and our adult relationship and emotional regulation with religion and spirituality will be the focus of this course. Pragmatically, we will reflect on how our attachment style informs and often unconsciously determines the forms of spirituality and religion we are drawn to and reject as adults.

We will focus some of our time on shadow and how religion and spiritualty are often used unconsciously to spiritually bypass the processing and healing of early attachment trauma and emotional dysregulation. Unfortunately, this repression of childhood attunement trauma tends to be encouraged by many within spirituality and religion. We will end by using Jung and Jungian psychology as an applied case study. The implicit correlation between attachment and religion and spirituality in both positive and negative (shadow) senses should be obvious by the end of the course.



Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Discern and appraise the different styles of attachment
  2. Comprehend how attachment style informs religion and spirituality and vice versa
  3. Perceive and identify how our attachment style may support or conflict with our religion or spirituality
  4. Grasp the relationship between spiritual and religious attachment and Jungian psychology
  5. Recognize how attachment in spirituality and religion can inform clinical practice
  6. Discern and identify the attachment related biases in Jung and Jungian Psychology

Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Cynthia Poorbaugh MFA, LP is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York, and Cold Spring, NY. She is a faculty member and supervisor for the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association, and a member of  the IAAP and IJAS. She has presented papers at psychoanalytic training colloquia and international conferences. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the C.G. Jung Foundation, and teaches for the Foundation’s Continuing Education program. Her area of interest in teaching, writing and research is the relationship between Jung’s archetypal theory and astrology, and how astrology illuminates key facets of Jung’s theory and the symbolic attitude.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. He has a private practice in New York City.   

David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA, is a Jungian trained analyst in private practice in NYC. He is a graduate of Columbia University. He is an award-winning educator, award-winning designer, and has, for over 25 years, shared his ideas and insights through writing, teaching, presentations, and workshops domestically and internationally. He was a Fellow at the prestigious United States National Academy of Science and a Visiting Scholar at the Library of Congress, both in Washington DC. David has been on the faculty of NYU since 2003 and, as a service to our country, has evaluated tens of millions of grant applications for the U.S. Government. For more information visit

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Web address:
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Follow us



Jungian Dream Interpretation- Part 2

5 consecutive Fridays, 6:00-7:30pm
Eastern Time, USA, online only via Zoom. 

Beginning April 21, 2023
Instructor: Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP

7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

A dream uses an imagistic language we can decipher. This language is universal, the same as used in myths from stone-age cultures. A dream shows us the next possible step in our developing personality. It warns us if we are going astray, encourages us if we need it, or offers penetrating insights into our confusion.  We work together as a team and have fun. We confirm or disconfirm each interpretation with experimental evidence. We will not work with class members’ dreams. Please bring a dream, with permission, from a family member or friend.

This course is a continuation of Part 1. Please note that you can enroll in this course without having taken Part 1.



Please look at the suggested readings at this address in advance of the start of this class:

Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between associations, explanations, and amplifications to a dream image.
  2. Distinguish between Freud's and Jung's use of associations to dream images.
  3. Identify which part of a dream gives the current psychological situation.
  4. Recognize the dream's setting and its importance.
  5. Practice using both logic and imagination in dream analysis.
  6. Identify some physiological reactions of the dreamer which demonstrate a useful interpretation.
  7. Describe the relationship between a dream and the dreamer's psychological progress.
  8. Recognize when a dream may (or may not) be helpful in clinical work.
  9. Recognize what Jung meant by a "true symbol."

Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Cynthia Poorbaugh MFA, LP is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York, and Cold Spring, NY. She is a faculty member and supervisor for the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association, and a member of  the IAAP and IJAS. She has presented papers at psychoanalytic training colloquia and international conferences. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the C.G. Jung Foundation, and teaches for the Foundation’s Continuing Education program. Her area of interest in teaching, writing and research is the relationship between Jung’s archetypal theory and astrology, and how astrology illuminates key facets of Jung’s theory and the symbolic attitude.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. He has a private practice in New York City.   

David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA, is a Jungian trained analyst in private practice in NYC. He is a graduate of Columbia University. He is an award-winning educator, award-winning designer, and has, for over 25 years, shared his ideas and insights through writing, teaching, presentations, and workshops domestically and internationally. He was a Fellow at the prestigious United States National Academy of Science and a Visiting Scholar at the Library of Congress, both in Washington DC. David has been on the faculty of NYU since 2003 and, as a service to our country, has evaluated tens of millions of grant applications for the U.S. Government. For more information visit

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
Web address:
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Follow us



Exploring the Widest and Most Revolutionary Applications of Jung’s Ideas

We Now Have a Tool to Navigate the Length
and Breadth of the Human Psyche

5 consecutive Mondays, 7:00 – 8:30pm
Eastern Time, USA, online only via Zoom
Beginning February 27, 2023

Instructor: David Rottman, MA


7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists.

In this course we will take up one of the most startling, challenging, and creative statements in all of psychology. The Jungian psychologist Yoram Kaufmann, (author of The Way of the Image, the Orientational Approach to the Psyche), studied Jung’s ideas with utmost care and precision, and, deeply inspired, said he “crystallized” Jung’s ideas in a useful and practical condensed form. He called this new form “the orientational approach” and said the orientational approach, properly understood, gives us a way to comprehend all forms of psychological expression. In summarizing his findings, Dr. Kaufmann made an extraordinary capsule statement that was seen by some as contentious and startling, and by others as profoundly innovative and liberating:
“All in all, the orientational approach allows one to navigate the length and breadth of the psyche.”

In this course we will test Jung’s and Kaufmann’s ideas against what we most want to learn about our own lives: what can we learn that’s new about psychological health and well-being, about relationships, about work and self-expression, about dreams, and about the therapeutic process? We will apply the “orientational approach” to each of those topics, while keeping an eye on what we can learn about the “length and breadth” of the human psyche.

Readings will consist of handouts of excerpts from the work of Jung and Marie-Louise Von Franz. Students are requested to have their own copy of The Way of the Image which is available in book form at the C.G. Jung Foundation Book Service (call 212-697-6430 with Visa or MasterCard or visit us!) and Amazon and as an e-book from Amazon.  The book store’s web page is

Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

1.  Summarize how Jung’s work allows us to extend the scope and depth of our understanding of the human psyche
2. Describe the role of situational awareness and context analysis in understanding psychological material such as complexes, dreams and fantasies
3. Discuss Jung’s idea of the “dominants” of the archetypes of the collective unconscious
4. Apply the “orientational approach” to everyday problems of human interaction such as the desire for relationship, and the need for self-expression at work.

Please download the Zoom program in advance of the first class session at

Program Information


$150 per single-day program registration. There are no scholarships available for this program.

YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. HERE IS HOW TO PAY WITH CREDIT CARD: On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link that reads PAY WITH DEBIT OR CREDITCARD.


On the Paypal login page, look below login fields for a boxed link


All 5-week courses are $175 for the general public and $150 for members.


The full fee must be paid at the time of registration.
Please register through the payment buttons on this website.

$175 General Public

$150 Members


When you pay you must also email your current email address and telephone number to the Foundation at  The Foundation will send you an email message and you must reply to confirm receipt. If you are taking this course for 7.5 CE contact hours for licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists, please specify which license you hold and give your NYS license number.

 Class size is limited. Early registration is strongly recommended. Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.


Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a senior Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City.  Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a longtime faculty member. He has taught courses in dream interpretation online and in person for over 25 years.  He has published numerous papers on dream interpretation, Jungian psychology, narcissistic injury, systems theory and autism.

Cynthia Poorbaugh MFA, LP is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York, and Cold Spring, NY. She is a faculty member and supervisor for the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association, and a member of  the IAAP and IJAS. She has presented papers at psychoanalytic training colloquia and international conferences. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the C.G. Jung Foundation, and teaches for the Foundation’s Continuing Education program. Her area of interest in teaching, writing and research is the relationship between Jung’s archetypal theory and astrology, and how astrology illuminates key facets of Jung’s theory and the symbolic attitude.

David Rottman, MA, is past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation and is a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is the author of The Career as a Path to the Soul. He was the editor and publisher for The Way of the Image by Yoram Kaufmann. He has a private practice in New York City.   

David Walczyk, EdD, LP, NCPsyA, is a Jungian trained analyst in private practice in NYC. He is a graduate of Columbia University. He is an award-winning educator, award-winning designer, and has, for over 25 years, shared his ideas and insights through writing, teaching, presentations, and workshops domestically and internationally. He was a Fellow at the prestigious United States National Academy of Science and a Visiting Scholar at the Library of Congress, both in Washington DC. David has been on the faculty of NYU since 2003 and, as a service to our country, has evaluated tens of millions of grant applications for the U.S. Government. For more information visit

For more information, call or write:

Office of the Executive Director
The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York
28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
Telephone: (212) 697-6430
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