Tracking the Shadow in the Fairy Tales of Von Chamiso, Andersen and Wilde
5 consecutive Mondays, 6:00 – 7:40 pm.
Beginning October 1, 2007
Instructor:Carolyn Sundstrom, LPC, LP
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious,” Jung tells us. In this seminar, we will be exploring the trajectory of the shadow, both for its progressive and regressive aspects, while also looking for implications for our own times in three 19th century fairy tales: von Chamiso’s Peter Schlemiel or The Man Who Lost his Shadow (1814); Hans Christian Andersen’s The Shadow (1847) and Oscar Wilde’s The Fisherman Who Lost His Soul (1891). Each protagonist in these tales claims to have good, albeit differing, reasons for divesting himself of his shadow (just as we all do when our egos refuse to dialogue with the ego-self axis) with varying immediate, subsequent and prolonged reactions from his individual shadow.
Please familiarize yourself with these three stunningly rich fairy tales before the first class as well as referring to von Franz?Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales.
The Archetype of theTransforming Illness
5 consecutive Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:40 pm.
Beginning October 4, 2007
Instructor:Tobi Zausner, PhD
Physical illness may feel like an impassible barrier, but it can become the doorway to a new and more creative existence. When this happens, a time of poor health becomes a transforming illness, an experience that changes your work, your life, and your world. The transforming illness is part of the archetype of transformation, and like an archetypal journey to the Underworld, its stress can bring strength and renewal. This profound alteration is modeled by chaos theory where a time of turbulence lays the groundwork for a new order to come. Examples of the transforming illness are found in the lives of visual artists and many of the masterpieces we see today were created in response to their physical difficulties. We will look at the psychological components of a transforming illness and also the ways to turn a time of poor health into an opportunity for personal evolution.
The fifth class meeting will be a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The Royal Road: the Alchemical and Archetypal Symbolism in the Dreams of Wolfgang Pauli as Elucidated by C. G. Jung
5 consecutive Mondays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm.
Beginning October 8, 2007
(Note the start date)
Instructor: Gary Brown, LCSW, LP
In this course we will join Carl Jung as he analyzes and explicates the dreams of Wolfgang Pauli, physicist and Nobel Laureate. We will follow Jung’s analysis of Pauli’s psychic process through the dream series as he clarifies the archetypes in the dreams and applies his method of amplification, especially his use and discussion of Alchemical imagery, the natural language of the Objective Psyche. Using the dream collection, Jung explains and exemplifies the course of individuation, his major discovery of the telos, the goal of the psyche. We will explore these tools and their implications for our own psychic processes and study selected readings from Jung’s essays, including “Psychology and Religion” and “Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy,” in which Pauli’s dreams occur. Along the way, we will consider Jung’s work against the background of his relation with Pauli and Pauli’s life as it is discussed in Lindorff’s Pauli and Jung, The Meeting of Two Great Minds. It is suggested that participants read the Lindorff book.
Fall II: Classes begin week of November 8, 2007
The Psychological Meaning of Christmas
5 Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm.
Beginning November 8, 2007
(excluding November 22, 2007)
Instructor:Kendrick Norris, PhD
Every year Christmas has a remarkably broad and deep impact on the society and the individual. Even non-Christian cultures and individuals become involved in Christmas rituals. Why does Christmas hold such power? Amazingly, almost nothing has been written about this from a psychological perspective. While this course will address the historical development of Christmas and explore some of its sacred and secular symbols and customs, the main focus will be explaining the power of Christmas from a depth psychological perspective. We will look at Christmas through the eyes of psychoanalysis, self psychology and analytical psychology.
Dream Analysis: Jung’s Royal Road
to the Unconscious
5 Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:40 pm.
Beginning November 8, 2007
(Excluding November 22, 2007)
Instructor:Maxon J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW-LP
Jung observed that “in each of us there is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently he sees us from the way we see ourselves.” The source of our dreams seems to look at us objectively. It offers corrections when we are off-center. It suggests action we might take and its likely outcome. Dream analysis requires not only a structure of logic but also symbolic thought. We will explore both aspects in this class. Dream analysis is a complicated skill that can only be learned slowly: this class will be appropriate for all, whether or not you have taken other classes on the subject. We will not analyze participants?own dreams: participants will be asked to bring dreams (with permission) from friends or family.
The Archetype of the Green
5 consecutive Mondays, 7:00 – 8:40 pm
Beginning November 12, 2007
Instructor:David Rottman, MA
Our responsibility for the environment is one of the great topics of our times. In this course we will do what Jungians do: explore the inner equivalents of situations that we meet on the outside. We will take outer events and concepts, such as the Environment, the Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming, Alternative Fuels, Hybrids, Conservation, and Going Green, and translate these dimensions into the language of our own “inner environment,” i.e. our psyche. For example, we will discuss the nature of reflective ego consciousness as an “alternative fuel” for powering our lives, in contrast to complex-based reactions and undifferentiated responses. Our goal will be to find ”renewable sources of energy” for our work and relationships.
The Battle for Psyche
5 consecutive Tuesdays, 7:00 – 8:40 pm
Beginning November 13, 2007
Instructor:Heidi Kolb, MA, LCSW, NCPsyA
Today’s world is dominated by warfare and environmental changes that make the threat of extinction more real than ever. But in addition to all the external battles and changes, there is another, less visible, fight occurring and that is the battle for psyche. In this course we will define and approach psyche as a consciously held relationship to the invisible world that is in danger of disappearing in our current age. We will discuss Jung’s appreciation of the individual psyche or soul as well as the world soul, the “anima mundi.” We will explore the role of the imagination and the impact of technology on our relationship to psyche and we will investigate tools and attitudes that allow us to become stewards, even warriors in the battle for psyche.
Selected readings and examples from film and the art world.
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Gary Brown, LCSW, LP, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. He is a training analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of New York and Vice-President of the New York Association Analytical Psychology [class description]
Heidi Kolb, MA, LCSW, NCPsyA, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. She is a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, NYU, and the University of Salzburg in Austria. [class description]
Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW-LP, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a faculty member of the Westchester Institute for Training in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. [class description]
Kendrick L. Norris, PhD, is a Senior Minister of the First Congregational Church of Guilford, CT, where he has served for thirty years. He is a fourth year candidate at the C.G. Jung Institute of New York. [class description]
David Rottman, MA, a former member of the C.G. Jung Foundation’s board, was responsible for developing the Foundation’s Outreach program. He is currently Distinguished Member of the Foundation Board, ex-officio, and a member of the Jung Foundation’s Continuing Education Faculty. He is also a member of the Faculty of the Archetypal Pattern Analyst Training Program of the Assisi Institute of Vermont. [class description]
Carolyn Sundstrom, LPC, is a licensed analyst in New York and a licensed professional counselor with a practice in Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York and holds a Master’s degree in English. She has previously taught in the Jungian Advanced Seminars. [class description]
Tobi Zausner, PhD, has an interdisciplinary PhD in Art and Psychology and is also an award-winning painter. She writes and speaks widely on the psychology of art and is Chair of Art/ Art History in the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences. [class description]
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