Continuing Education Courses —Fall 2011
The C.G. Jung Foundation Continuing Education courses are five-week courses designed to be informative and stimulating both to the general public and to professionals. Our program offers you the opportunity to study and explore analytical psychology, the works of C.G. Jung, and fields of related interest. Listen here to one of our classes being taught.
Fall I: Classes begin the week of October 3, 2011
Through the Red Book: Introducing the Psychology of C.G. Jung, Part 1
5 consecutive Mondays, 6:30–8:10 pm
Part 1: Beginning October 3 , 2011
Instructor:Royce Froehlich, LCSW-R, MA, MDiv
In his Introduction to The Red Book, the historian of psychology Sonu Shamdasani offers a base from which to begin an in-depth journey into Jung’s thought. This class will take the Introduction as its lens for a look into Jung’s Analytical Psychology. Sections from the two major works that were published immediately before and following the most intense period of Jung’s personal explorations serve as bookends to help us to gain a better understanding of the context for some of the key principles that Jung developed between 1912 and 1921.
Part 1 (Fall I) begins with sections of Psychology of the Unconscious: A Study of Transformations and Symbols of the Libido (Symbols of Transformation), in which Jung writes on “two kinds of thinking” and the “collective unconscious.” This book signaled the break with Freud in 1912, a year before the waking visions that compelled Jung to write The Red Book. With the help of Dr. Shamdasani’s Introduction, we will look into the background of Jung’s inner cosmology and the development of the key principles of Analytical Psychology. We will see how, through Jung’s “most difficult experiment,” the art of psychotherapy became transformed.
Fee for materials: add $5 to tuition fee.
Mohini, the Enchantress, Mahishi, the Buffalo Demon and Ayyappan, the Divine Child: The Complexity and Simplicity of Hindu Mythology in Everyday Life
5 consecutive Mondays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm
Beginning October 3, 2011
Instructor:Michael Marsman, LCSW-R
Hinduism is a rich and constantly evolving living religion that informs and interpenetrates all aspects of Indian life. Nowhere is this more evident than in the legend of Ayyappan, a much beloved South Indian deity whose popularity continues to grow. In fact, he is so popular that it is estimated that 40 to 60 million pilgrims visit his temple in Kerala annually. Ayyappan is a “divine child” who is the son of Siva and Visnu (two male gods!) whose purpose is to vanquish the buffalo-headed demoness Mahishi and restore order in heaven.
In this class, we will examine various components of this popular Hindu legend and learn to interpret it symbolically. We will then discuss how this symbolic understanding manifests in one’s lived life. Common Jungian themes such as the union of opposites, instinct versus understanding and reflection, embodiment and teleology will be explored. Each class will focus on a different story associated with the myth. The class is meant to be fun and creative, where one engages one’s imagination and sense of play. Music and/or scenes from Bollywood films, other religious music and images may be used.
The Role of the Feminine Principle in the Hebrew Bible (Original Testament)
5 consecutive Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm
Beginning October 4, 2011
Instructor:Rise Kaufmann, PhD
Through the Text itself, the Biblical Commentators and the etymology of the original Hebrew (undistorted by later translators), the case will be made and supported that the role of the Feminine is crucial in the Creation and all that follows (through the accounts of Eve, Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel & Miriam.). Using clinical material, connections will be made for the current understanding of the contemporary psyche.
Understanding Jung: The Basic Concepts
5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm
Beginning October 5 2011
Instructor:Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LPMaxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP
We will explore the basic principles of Jung’s approach to psychology: consciousness, the personal unconscious, symbols, dreams, archetype, persona, shadow, anima and animus, the Self, and individuation. The course will include readings and active student participation in discussion. You should expect to enjoy the class and to ask questions!
Soul in the Red Book
5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm
Beginning October 5 2011
Note: This course will be held at 420 East 51st Street, Suite C.
Instructor:Sylvester Wojtkowski, PhD

The soul of the individual becomes damaged since man learns always to live from the other instead of from himself. Liber Novus, p. 337
A man who goes astray becomes an animal, a lost soul becomes a devil. Liber Novus, p. 342
In 1933 Jung wrote Modern Man in Search of a Soul, in which he described the predicament of modern Western man, disoriented and lost in the contemporary social landscape of Europe on the brink of destruction. Jung diagnosed this spiritual and emotional suffering, and provided an individual psychological solution — to recover one’s lost soul. He believed that “if the doctor wishes to help a human being he must be able to accept him as he is. And he can do this in reality only when he has already seen and accepted himself as he is.” (ibid, p. 235) Twenty years earlier Jung underwent this perilous quest himself and learned to accept himself. In this course we will trace the inner itinerary of Jung’s own journey to find his soul and to engage her.
Fall II: Classes begin the week of November 7, 2011
Through the Red Book: Introducing the Psychology of C.G. Jung, Part 2
5 consecutive Mondays, 6:30–8:10 pm
Part 2: Beginning November 7 , 2011
Instructor:Royce Froehlich, LCSW-R, MA, MDiv
Part 2 of this course will take the Introduction to The Red Book as its lens for a look into the organizing principle of Analytical Psychology, “Individuation.” Through a deeply religious attitude and the visionary experiences he encountered during his “confrontation with the unconscious,” Jung was led to a profound understanding of the psychological processes that he chronicled in what became the The Red Book. He refines some of his findings in Psychological Types, published in 1921. Theoretical and practical application of these themes will be discussed in terms of their relevance and usefulness for us today.
Fee for materials: add $5 to tuition fee.
Fairies and Flight: The Puella Story
5 consecutive Mondays, 6:00 – 7:40 pm
Beginning Beginning November 7, 2011
Instructor:Fanny Brewster, PhD
We often hear of the Puer, but not so frequently of the Puella. What of the Feminine which wishes to remain forever young? To be beautiful and always in flight, never needing to walk the earth, never confronting questions of groundedness and embodiment-how do I support myself, how do I accept my imperfect body, how do I recognize my own shadow with its human limitations yet essential for my psychological growth?
The cultural emphasis on youthfulness with its accompanying focus on the development of “age-defying” products pushes away the wisdom which only comes with aging. How do we move in the downward direction of self-exploration and personal growth when many of the cultural indicators for girls and women say, stay on the surface, deal only with the superficialities of life? The concept of inner beauty and the development of this through the struggles of Shadow engagement elude the Puella. The most important aspects of life become external beauty and the appearance of perfection, whether it be of the body, the home or the job.
The recognition of the passage of time and its effects can be strengthening as the ego faces the perils of integrating basic human needs with the work of individuation. Eventually, as most every Puella finds out, nothing can stop this passage of time. We learn that it is only through life’s difficulties and our engagement with them, whether of aging or grief, that we can develop integrity and stamina for an authentic life. The Puella complex can be seen in dreams, fairy tales and stories. This class is an exploration of this complex through the imaginal and its manifestations in our daily life.
Creativity and Imagination
5 Wednesdays, 6:00 – 7:40 pm
Beginning November 9, 2011
(excluding November 23, 2011)
Instructor:Maria Taveras, LCSW
This course will be a creative experience of the embodied imagination. It is an opportunity to access archetypal images that emerge spontaneously from the unconscious in dreams and fantasies and to understand the creative process through the hands-on experience of sculpting the psyche in clay. In modeling clay, participants will experience the immediacy of these images. Once an image is given a 3-dimensional form, it activates what I call “interactive morphing.” The emphasis will be on this stage of the creative process as it impacts the ego in new and surprising ways and initiates a transformation of consciousness. Each week, photographs will be taken of the works in progress. Intimate attention will be given to each individual and how they resonate with the images. No prior sculpting experience is necessary. Registration is limited. Fee for materials: add $15 to tuition fee.
God(s) in the Red Book
5 Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm
Beginning November 9, 2011
(excluding November 23, 2011)
Note: This course will be held at 420 East 51st Street, Suite C.
Instructor:Sylvester Wojtkowski, PhD
I must say that the God makes us sick. I experience the God in sickness. The living God afflicts our reason like a sickness. He fills the soul with intoxication. He feels us with reeling chaos. How many will the God break? The Red Book, p. 337
I possess the keys. I will be the more just administrator than you godless Gods. The Red Book, p. 345
The Red Book describes Jung’s peregrinations through the world of his psyche. On the way, he has many challenging encounters and debates with inner figures, as well as epiphanies. As Jung is transformed by his numinous experiences, his appreciation for autonomy of the psyche grows. He challenges Christianity and frees the soul from two millennia of Christian captivity. He overcomes Christ, struggles with demons, and develops/discovers his own god. We are going to be fellow travelers on Jung’s theophanic journey. We will gain insights into a radical, original relationship to the divine in our spiritually destitute times. We will wrestle with Jung’s and our own understanding of what is still designated by the term “god(s).”
Jung and the Psychology of the Transference
This course will be held at 7 West 96th St, #1E, New York, NY 10025.
5 consecutive Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:40 pm
Beginning November 10, 2011
(excluding November 24, 2011)
Instructor:Harry W. Fogarty, PhD
We will read and continue to make clinical application from Jung’s The Psychology of the Transference. Additional writings on this subject by contemporary Jungians will be presented; in particular, we shall consider the Rosarium Series illustrations that Jung left out: numbers 11- 20, which bear special application to the part of the analytic process in which we bridge between personal and collective layers of our work and lives. This course aims to facilitate helpful reflection by those involved in work that implicitly activates the transferential field: therapists, hospice workers, care providers, mentoring figures, and so forth.
–C.G. Jung: The Psychology of the Transference
–Joseph Cambray and Linda Carter, eds., Analytical Psychology – Contemporary Perspectives in Jungian Analysis — chapter 5: “Analytical Methods Revisited,” chapter 6: “Transference and countertransference: contemporary perspectives“
–Jan Wiener – The Therapeutic Relationship: Transference, Countertransference, and the Making of Meaning (Carolyn and Ernest Fay Series in Analytical Psychology)
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Fanny Brewster, PhD, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York. She holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, is a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, and is a New York State Certified School Psychologist. [Class description]
Harry W. Fogarty, PhD, is a Lecturer in Psychiatry and Religion at Union Theological Seminary and a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. [Class description]
Royce Froehlich, MA, MDiv, LCSW-R, is a practicing Jungian analyst with an MDiv from Union Theological Seminary, an MA in Media Studies from the New School for Social Research, and a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York.[Class description: part 1] [Class description: part 2]
Michael Marsman, LCSW-R, is a clinical social worker and therapist in private practice, who also works part time at the Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, an agency dedicated to serving the needs of the LGBT community.[Class description]
Rise Kaufmann, PhD, earned her doctorate at Columbia in 1970 and has practiced as a psychotherapist in New York and New Jersey since then. She was introduced to Jung’s work by her husband, Dr. Yoram Kaufmann, and became a convert to that way of understanding the psyche. She has also worked as a metallurgist and jewelry designer.[Class Description]
Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a faculty member. [Class description]
Maria Taveras, LCSW, is a certified Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City and an award-winning sculptor of “Dream Art.” She explores the unconscious sources of creativity by sculpting archetypal images from her own dreams. [Class description]
Sylvester Wojtkowski, PhD, is a Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist in private practice in New York City. He received his doctorate from the New School for Social Research.[Class description: soul][Class description: gods]
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