The Career as a Path to the Soul
5 consecutive Mondays, 7:00–8:40 pm
Beginning October 7
Instructor:David Rottman, MA
The definition that we will use for a “path to the soul” in this course is a way of living in meaningful connection to something greater than our bounded sense of ourselves. We will explore what it means to find a higher purpose in work and in life, particularly by outgrowing problems, and we will ask: what are the best means for us to recognize and support creative opportunities for the development of our individual potential? We will take a look at a number of important problems including: finding the kind of work we are “meant” to do, achieving a personal definition and experience of success, dealing with other people who become obstacles on our path, overcoming a fateful “family curse” that interferes with career and life fulfillment, and finding meaning and self-expression in work at different stages in life.
Course Readings:
The Career as a Path to the Soul, David Rottman
The Way of the Image, Yoram Kaufmann
Introduction to Sandplay Therapy
5 consecutive Tuesdays, 6:30–8:10 pm
Beginning October 8
Instructor:Ilona Melker, LCSW
Sandplay is a non-verbal, non-rational, image-centered form of therapy. The theoretical foundation of sandplay therapy is based on Jungian depth psychology with an additional influence from Eastern philosophy, as its founder Dora Kalff was a practicing Buddhist. We will explore sandplay therapy by viewing images from sandplay processes, learning about its history, and experiencing it first hand as a group. The series is aimed at those who may consider using sandplay in their own work, or those who are interested in this modality for themselves as a way of healing and individuating.
Note: This course is held at 108 East 38th St, #702 (between Park & Lex).
Understanding Jung: The Basic Concepts, Part 1
5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:00–7:40 pm
Beginning October 9
Instructor:Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP
We will explore together the elements of Jungian psychology, including: archetype, collective unconscious, persona, shadow, anima and animus, self, consciousness, symbol, spirit, mother complex, father complex, typology, individuation, and inner marriage. We will also explore Jung’s method of interpreting dreams, myths and fairy tales.
There will be fairy tales and other readings assigned for each class. There will be lively discussion with plenty of time for questions and each class is likely to be fun.
These two semesters will be accessible for people who do not have a background in Jungian theory. The readings and the discussion should also make the class interesting for students who have already taken other courses. If you wish to take part 2 without first taking part 1, please email the instructor at
The Invention of Active Imagination
5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:30–8:10 pm
Beginning October 9
Instructor:Sylvester Wojtkowski, PhD
“And so it is with the hand that guides the crayon or brush, the foot that executes the dance-step, with eye and the ear, with the word and the thought: a dark impulse is the ultimate arbiter of the pattern, an unconscious a priori precipitates itself into plastic form.”
C.G. Jung, CW 8, p. 204
December 12, 2013, will mark the one hundredth anniversary of Jung’s foundational descent into the depths of his psyche, leading to the invention of a psychological technique that he would later call “active imagination.” Active imagination together with amplification and dream interpretation constitute the three pillars of the Jungian psychoanalytic method of working with the psychological material. The Red Book offers an intimate look into how this technique developed. It portrays Jung as an evolving radical thinker of the soul, confronting the collective wisdom (the spirit of his time) and establishing the foundations of his own psychology project. We will critically examine the evolution of Jung’s view of fantasy prior to The Red Book and its gradual leading to the development of active imagination.
Note: This course is held at 420 East 51st Street, Suite C.
How Fairy Tales Heal
5 consecutive Thursdays, 6:00–7:40 pm
Beginning October 10
Instructor:Georgia Diakos, RN, PMHCNS-BC
Fairy tales have universal appeal. They are found in almost every culture and region of the world. Although the tones and plots may vary, they all include similar universal themes which resonate with our psyches. As a result, they are suited for all individuals regardless of their sociocultural background and previous psychological experience and/or knowledge. Fairy tales are enjoyable, intellectually stimulating, psychologically and emotionally satisfying.
Join us in this experiential course by bringing your favorite fairy tale or any fairy tale that you might be interested in. We will creatively engage with them, paving the road for writing your personal fairy tale by the end of the class.
Fall II: Classes begin the week of November 11, 2013, except for The Power of Myth, which begins November 6
Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth
6 Wednesdays, 7:00–8:40 pm (This is a six-week course)
Beginning November 6 (excluding November 27)
Instructor:Fanny Brewster, PhD
Joseph Campbell, following in the tradition of C.G. Jung, provided us with a contemporary perspective from which to view our lives, and deepen our life experiences through Mythology. This year is the 25th anniversary of the widely successful The Power of Myth, initially previewed to television audiences in June, 1988.
The Power of Myth is a six-part documentary television series in which Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers of PBS, joined together in conversations that explored various aspects of Mythology. These included mythic themes of the Hero, Love and the Goddess.
In this course, we will view the six episodes of the documentary, followed by a discussion of Joseph Campbell’s views on Mythology, and how we can use our knowledge of it to live full, wonderfully powerful lives.
Dreaming the Dream Forward
5 consecutive Mondays, 6:30–8:10 pm
Beginning November 11
Instructor:Jane Selinske, EdD
Often when we dream, we wake up with only a snatch of an image, a brief scene or a few words, and we are frustrated because we want more of the dream. We sense that if we could have captured the dream, it might have given us additional insight into our current unconscious. Jung in his wisdom recommended active imagination, which by definition is using techniques to dream the dream forward. Participants in this class will have an opportunity to learn a variety of creative ways to dream the dream forward and hopefully will experience what Jung valued in active imagination.
The Bible as Deep Psyche – This course is SOLD OUT
5 Mondays, 6:00–7:40 pm
Beginning November 11
Instructor:Morgan Stebbins, MDiv, LMSW, LP, DMin (cand.)
In its long history, the Bible has been revered, reviled and everything in between. However it is rarely read as transformational symbolic material – so that’s what we’ll do! Jung reminds us that all scripture is archaic symbolic truth; that is, it is the expression of the psyche itself, needing only an open mind and a way to translate it. If you bring an open mind, I’ll bring a primer in the techniques of symbolic reading as well as an opportunity to plumb this ancient and powerful text for meaning at a collective as well as a personal level. We will explore the texts and themes of creation, of wisdom, of divine failure, sacrifice and rejuvenation to see what new light may emerge from the deep places of this foundational Western text. (Readings will include portions of Genesis, Exodus and the Gospel of John.)
Understanding Jung: The Basic Concepts, Part 2
5 Wednesdays, 6:00–7:40 pm
Beginning November 13 (excluding November 27)
Instructor:Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP
See the Part 1 description of this course in Fall I semester. If you wish to take Part 2 without taking Part 1 first, please email the instructor at maxmcdowell
Theory and Practice of Active Imagination
5 Wednesdays, 6:30–8:10 pm
Beginning November 13 (excluding November 27)
Instructor:Sylvester Wojtkowski, PhD
“I am indeed convinced that creative imagination is the only primordial phenomenon accessible to us, the real Ground of the psyche, the only immediate reality.” January 10, 1929, Jung’s letter to Kurt Plachte, C.G. Jung, Letters I, p. 60
In the 1920’s, on hiking paths around Zurich, one could see lonely hikers lost in thought, carrying notebooks filled not with sketches of magnificent Alpine vistas but with strange figures from inner landscapes. This was the result of Jung and his associates using active imagination in conjunction with analysis with patients. At first, in 1928, Jung called the process “creative fantasy,” while later in 1935, he referred to it as “active phantasizing.” Only since 1937 had it became known as “active imagination.” From 1930 to 1934, Jung conducted Visions Seminars analyzing the active imagination of Christiana Morgan.
This course will examine how Jung’s thinking on the subject evolved over the years. We will explore additional contributions to active imagination from Marie-Louise von Franz, Michael Fordham, Barbara Hannah, James Hillman, Mary Watkins and Michael Vannoy Adams. We will examine uses of the technique in the individuation process and in analysis.
Note: This course is held at 420 East 51st Street, Suite C.
Living with Death and Dying: A Jungian View
5 Thursdays, 7:00–8:40 pm
Beginning November 14 (excluding November 28)
Instructor:Harry Fogarty, PhD
We shall read together sections of Jung’s Memories, Dreams, Reflections, consider “death” as part of the Individuation process within life, as well as actual work with the dying, and place these reflections within the context of cultural approaches to death and contemporary understandings, such as “Proof of Heaven.”
Note: This course is held at 7 West 96th St., #1E.
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