Spring 2011

Continuing Education Courses —Spring 2011

The C.G. Jung Foundation Continuing Education courses are five-week courses designed to be informative and stimulating both to the general public and to professionals. Our program offers you the opportunity to study and explore analytical psychology, the works of C.G. Jung, and fields of related interest.

Spring I: Classes begin the week of February 28, 2011

Dream Interpretation

5 Mondays, 7:00 – 8:40 pm
Beginning February 28 , 2011 (excluding March 21, 2011)

Instructor:Jane Selinske, EdD, LCSW, LP, MT-BC

An inner journey is undertaken when we listen to our dreams. Historically, dreams were accepted as messengers of the divine and the voice of God. In the twentieth century, C.G. Jung discovered through his own confrontation with the unconscious that dreams and symbols disclosed the path of one’s individuation process. Learning how to listen to dreams gives the individual an opportunity to communicate with the emotional and spiritual parts of their psyche. This class will be didactic and experiential and will help the individual learn more about dream interpretation through group process and creative expression. Participants will be asked to bring a dream each week that can be shared in a group setting, a notebook/journal, pen, pencil, pastels or crayons.

Narcissism in Legends and Fairy Tales

5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm
Beginning March 2, 2011

Instructor:Maxson J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP

Fairy tales from around the world describe narcissistic injuries and show how they may be healed. By exploring a different tale each week, we will learn how to analyze symbols for their psychological meaning. We will also see that narcissistic injuries are universal and have always been addressed with psychological insight.


Red Book Dialogues Themes, Parts 1 and 2

These courses will be held at 420 East 51st Street, Suite C, New York, NY 10022.
Please note that separate tuition is required for each course.

Instructor:Sylvester Wojtkowski, PhD

Part 1: Chaos and Creation of the New Psychic Order

5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm
Beginning March 2, 2011

Part 2: Encountering Numinosum

5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm
Beginning April 13, 2011


The years  when I pursued the inner images were the most important time of my life. Everything else is to be derived from this. It began at that time, and the later details hardly matter anymore. My entire life consisted in elaborating what had burst forth from the unconscious and flooded me like an enigmatic stream and threatened to break me. That was the stuff and material for more than only one life. Everything later was merely the outer classification, the scientific elaboration, and the integration into life. But the numinous beginning, which contained everything, was then.

— C.G. Jung, 1957 [Back cover of the Liber Novus]

The Red Book is an enigmatic, opaque, multilayered opus, a result of Jung’s numinous experiences around the WWI. It is a work of considerable depth whose grasp has proven elusive, even to the heroic reader, like a “treasure hard to attain.” The book’s depths seem impenetrable: to move ahead, to accrue understanding, to cut through obscurities and finally to master the text. It is interesting then, that most of Jungian readers seem to find in it what they already know of Jung, as if the book itself served only as a time-mirror reflecting back what developed from its hermetic seeds.

To avoid heroic pitfalls, we will take our counsel from the reader as weaver: disentangling or (de)constructing its patchwork of fantasies. Our exploration of thematic threads of the Red Book will be grounded and guided by the aesthetics of its beautiful illuminated manuscript form. We will track the weft of text and warp of images as they intersect and intertwine to render the mystery of modern man’s search for the soul. We will contemplate various strands of material regarding numerous themes to make the Liber Novus a little more transparent. Some of the themes to be critically explored will include:

Ego, Soul and Spirit; rationality and madness; understanding, unknown and magic; imitating Christ and overcoming Christ; wounding and healing of God; redemption of the Dead; aheroic individuation; complex of man.

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Spring II: Classes begin the week of April 11, 2011

Jung’s Word Association Test
and Complex Theory

5 Mondays, 7:00 – 8:40 pm
Beginning April 11, 2011
(excluding April 18, 2011)

Instructor:Jane Selinske, EdD, LCSW LP, MT-BC

Jung’s Word Association Test was an experimental method that determined personal complexes. Complexes were detected through the investigation of words that had associations and psychological connections. The test was invented by psychologists prior to Jung; however, he perfected the test, which later led to the development of the lie detector test and his complex theory. In this course, participants will have the experience of taking and giving Jung’s Word Association Test and will learn how this test led to complex theory. A fairy tale will also be written using key words from each participant’s Word Association Test, which will underscore the value of Jung’s work.

Dream Art: Sculpting the Psyche

5 Mondays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm
Beginning April 11, 2011
(excluding April 18, 2011)

Instructor:Maria Taveras, LCSW

This is an experiential workshop. Participants in the course will sculpt archetypal images from their own dreams. They will learn about what Jung means by the “creative process,” engaging the unconscious in a hands-on way, working with clay. They will learn about the role that “active imagination” plays and how to use it in sculpting the psyche. They will discover the potential values inherent in archetypal dream images. This is an interactive method that establishes an essential dialogue between the ego and the unconscious, between psyche and matter, bringing into consciousness aspects of the personality previously unknown to the individual. Participants should come to the first class meeting with an archetypal image from one of their own dreams, ready to sculpt. No prior sculpting experience is necessary. Fee for materials: add $15 to tuition fee.

Interpretation of Dreams

5 consecutive Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:10 pm
Beginning April 13, 2011

Instructor:Maxon J. McDowell, PhD

Jung observed that “in each of us there is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently he sees us from the way we see ourselves.” Thus, when we listen to a dream, we listen to the Self.

Dream analysis requires not only a rigorous structure of logic, but also imaginative play; we will explore both. This class is fun. An interpretation succeeds when the class as a whole feels convinced, when we together experience a deepening of consciousness. We will not use participants’ personal dreams.

Red Book Dialogues Themes, Part 2:
Encountering Numinosum

5 consecutive Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:10 pm.
Beginning April 13, 2011

This course will be held at:
420 East 51st Street, Suite C, New York, NY 10022

Instructor:Sylvester Wojtkowski, PhD

This is a continuation of Part 1.
Please refer to the class description in Spring 1.

Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth

6 consecutive Thursdays, 6:00 – 7:40 pm
Beginning April 14, 2011

Instructor:Armin Wanner, STL

In this course we will discuss the relevance of mythology in our lives based on the television series The Power of Myth. We will deepen and extend the concept presented in the television series and also critically evaluate Joseph Campbell’s contribution.

Please note that this is a six-week course.

The Psychology of the Transference and Caregiving Relationships

This course will be held at 7 West 96th St, #1E, New York, NY 10025.

5 consecutive Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:40 pm
Beginning April 14, 2011

Instructor:Harry Fogarty, PhD

We will read and engage together Jung’s study of the transference, including his commentary on the “Rosarium Series,” which serves as an amplification of his presentation. The dynamics he outlines apply broadly to a variety of caregiving relationships, ranging from pastoral counseling and spiritual direction, educational work, hospital and hospice work to actual psychoanalysis. We will endeavor to let a conversation arise between our own experience and work and this text.

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Harry W. Fogarty, Phd, is a Lecturer in Psychiatry and Religion at Union Theological Seminary and a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. [Class description]

Maxon J. McDowell, PhD, LMSW, LP, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City. Former President of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, he is also a faculty member. [Session I class description]; [Session II class description]

Jane Selinske, EdD, LCSW, LP, MT-BC, is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Montclair, NJ and NYC, a practitioner of Mandala Assessment, and a Board Certified Music Therapist. She is on the faculty of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York and the Institute for Expressive Analysis in New York. [Session I class description]; [Session II class description]

Maria Taveras, LCSW, is a certified Jungian analyst in private practice in New York City and an award-winning sculptor of “Dream Art.” She explores the unconscious sources of creativity by sculpting archetypal images from her own dreams. [Class description]

Armin Wanner, STL,earned his degree from the Institute Catholique de Paris and is a practicing Jungian analyst in New York. He is a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich and is on the faculty of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York. [Class description]

Sylvester Wojtkowski, PhD,is a Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist in private practice in New York City. He received his doctorate from the New School for Social Research. [Sessions I & II class descriptions]

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General Information


All programs are held at the C.G. Jung Center at 28 East 39th Street, New York City, unless otherwise indicated above.


All 5-week courses are $110 for members and $125 for the general public, unless otherwise specified. Note that there is an additional $15 materials fee for the Dream Art course.


The full fee must be paid at time of registration. You may register by mail, by telephone or fax with your MasterCard or Visa, or in person at the C.G. Jung Foundation, Monday–Thursday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. FAX # 212-953-3989. Seating is limited and early purchase of tickets is strongly recommended.


Refunds for continuing education courses, less $15 for administrative services, will be made up to seven days before the first session. There will be no refunds issued after classes have begun. No exceptions will be made. Programs are subject to change without notice.

›› Continuing Education Registration Form (PDF format) ‹‹